
  • re TAPable, a player is active - when they are in the platform exploring, thinking and/or playing;

Adul voice

  • a TAP made-up term

  • Adul means ALL participants who provided personal input to a specific case-list

  • Adul voice means the resulting single voice of all participants in combination


  • Artificial Intelligence

alignment positivity

  • with TAP, means that two or more things combine to create more positive outcomes than negative or harmful in the long term

alternative possibility

  • reality possibility of another form

  • can be either better or worse

  • re TAP, it's only interested in long-term world-improvement alternative possibility


  • re TAP, authorship refers to the person or group that generated the important info

  • re TAPable, its solution shifts the control of authorship away from wealth power and gives it to the info seeker themselves

  • with TAPable, the TAPper gets to define who exactly will be included in the voice (minds) they wish to hear from


  • re TABable software, refers to a digital process occurring without human intervention required


  • re TAP, is a virtual instance of the game player within a virtual-world game setting

  • see TAPavatar