Post-reflection #002

Smart Question #0044

  • Discoverer/ submitter: 'the alien'

  • Submission timestamp: 2020.10.20 -18:47GMT

  • Question: Why do you think someone might murder you?

TAP Response #0044

  • Initial response timestamp: 2020.10.20 -18:47GMT

  • Last update timestamp: 2020.10.20 -18:47GMT

  • Response:

    • People fear change -

      • even if the change might be positive.

    • TAP promises great positive change,

      • especially for those of future generations.

    • With TAP, comes improvement in equality.

      • This means those with the most might imagine -

        • they will end up with less -

          • then they presently have.

    • This reality sometimes evokes tremendous fear in those who believe they deserve more than others.

    • Fear makes many people react -

      • by eliminating the thing -

        • that they see as the source of the fear.

    • Because I discovered and revealed TAP to the woman and the rest of the world -

      • some will charge me with the death sentence -

        • and will actually carry out the act.

Smart Question #0045

  • Discoverer/ submitter: 'the alien'

  • Submission timestamp: 2020.10.20 -22:14GMT

  • Question: Do you fear death?

TAP Response #0045

  • Initial response timestamp: 2020.10.20 -22:14GMT

  • Last update timestamp: 2020.10.20 -22:14GMT

  • Response:

    • Not in the least.

    • As with any suicide consideration -

      • it's assessed as the better of the two options:

        • 1) Living with the misery of life.

        • 2) Dealing with the unknown of physical death.

    • I love many things about life,

      • but I hate much of the reality -

        • of today's human civilization.

    • The natural world without the human is simply amazing -

      • and 100% truth.

    • The unnatural world the human has created mostly disgusts me.

    • Given the chance,

      • I will thank my murderer with my final breath and act of reasoning.

Smart Question #0046

  • Discoverer/ submitter: 'the alien'

  • Submission timestamp: 2020.10.20 -22:25GMT

  • Question: What about your family and friends?

TAP Response #0046

  • Initial response timestamp: 2020.10.20 -22:25GMT

  • Last update timestamp: 2020.10.20 -22:25GMT

  • Response:

    • I am doing what I am now doing -

      • with full understanding of the danger I might be placing my family and friends in.

    • It's why I now encourage both family and friends -

      • to make a final decision to openly support TAP -

        • or to disengage with both TAP and me.

    • I expect almost everyone to disengage -

      • and it's perfectly fine and the reason clearly understood.

    • The risk of negative outcomes is greater than the risk of positive outcomes.

      • Our world is just too f&%ked up right now.

      • Minds are too self-righteous and fearful.

Smart Question #0047

  • Discoverer/ submitter: 'the alien'

  • Submission timestamp: 2020.10.20 -22:36GMT

  • Question: Does 'the man' hate TAP?

TAP Response #0047

  • Initial response timestamp: 2020.10.20 -22:36GMT

  • Last update timestamp: 2020.10.20 -22:36GMT

  • Response:

    • This is a great unknown question.

    • At one time he commented that the project was great.

    • But this was before 'the woman' rejected his proposals.

    • I'm not even sure if he hates me, 'the alien.'

    • Maybe he just does what he does to wear down the woman's mind -

      • to break her will -

        • in hopes that one day she will accept his proposals.

Smart Question #0048

  • Discoverer/ submitter: 'the alien'

  • Submission timestamp: 2020.10.20 -22:41GMT

  • Question: Have you ever communicated with the man?

TAP Response #0048

  • Initial response timestamp: 2020.10.20 -22:41GMT

  • Last update timestamp: 2020.10.20 -22:41GMT

  • Response:

    • Not meaningfully.

    • He once pretended to be an alien himself -

      • and directed contacted me thru chat.

    • I did not take the bait -

      • I did not respond.

    • Instead, the woman asked if it were he -

      • and he said yes.

      • That he was testing the alien.

    • Other than this all comm has been done thru the woman -

      • acting as intermediary.

    • I'm NOT 100% sure what of all I asked her to do was actually carried out.

    • At one point I asked her -

      • to ask him -

        • to tell the alien -

          • what was his purpose -

            • and what he wanted his legacy to be.

    • But I never received a response -

      • or a reaction -

        • or confirmation she even asked the questions -

          • from the woman.

Smart Question #0049

  • Discoverer/ submitter: 'the alien'

  • Submission timestamp: 2020.10.20 -23:18GMT

  • Question: With TAP, will the rich be asked to sacrifice more?

TAP Response #0049

  • Initial response timestamp: 2020.10.20 -23:18GMT

  • Last update timestamp: 2020.10.20 -23:18GMT

  • Response:

    • First it's important to clearly define the term sacrifice...

    • With wealth comes fear of loss of wealth.

    • When considering the concept of sacrifice assess it from both realms.

    • If with an act, especially an act asking sacrifice mostly of something of the physical realm -

      • what might be gained from the non-physical realm POV?

    • Might peace of mind benefit the whole person more -

      • than giving up the physical thing?

    • TAP does ask for sacrifice,

      • but simultaneously,

        • it provides replacement things,

          • that will benefit both the individual -

            • as well as the whole of humanity.

    • Today's model markets that everyone can have everything -

      • if only they work hard enough to earn the wealth to acquire it.

    • This core principle of today's human civilization has:

      • created extreme imbalance

      • has ruined ecosystems

      • has diminished nearly all easy-to-get resources

      • has created extreme division and self-righteousness

      • has brought humanity to the brink of self-destruction.

    • TAP does ask for sacrifice of physical things and experiences,

      • but it provides much better alternative possibility.

Smart Question #0050

  • Discoverer/ submitter: 'the alien'

  • Submission timestamp: 2020.10.21 -12:32GMT

  • Question: What does TAP provide new, for the sacrifice asked?

TAP Response #0050

  • Initial response timestamp: 2020.10.21 -12:32GMT

  • Last update timestamp: 2020.10.21 -12:32GMT

  • Response:

    • Our world is unhealthy.

    • It's greatly out of balance.

    • It's unstainable.

    • It's extremely wasteful.

    • It's getting worse by the minute now.

    • Sacrifice of physical consumption is what's needed in the short term -

      • to heal our unhealthy world -

        • both the biosphere and humanity.

    • In exchange, for the physical sacrifice -

      • TAP provides many positive things for human minds.

      • These things include:

        • Honesty opportunity

        • Much more happiness

        • Great work

        • More free time

        • Easier & simpler lives

        • A real afterlife world

        • Life balance

        • Helping others

        • Helping THEM

        • Less corruption, crime & conflict

        • Less wastefulness

        • Greater efficiency

        • Greater human population

        • Overall world improvement

        • ong-term sustainability

Smart Question #0051

  • Discoverer/ submitter: 'the alien'

  • Submission timestamp: 2020.10.21 -12:48GMT

  • Question: How are all these positive things possible?

TAP Response #0051

  • Initial response timestamp: 2020.10.21 -12:48GMT

  • Last update timestamp: 2020.10.21 -12:48GMT

  • Response:

    • TAP makes all these positive things possible -

      • by changing the entire model of human civilization -

        • by changing the game -

          • its incentives and rewards.

    • TAP itself cannot change human thought, belief & behavior -

      • it's next to impossible to attempt to change the human.

    • Instead,

      • TAP changes the game the humans play.

    • A new game -

      • with new game tools & rules:

        • New primary objectives

        • New rewards

        • New penalties

        • More honesty

        • More truth

        • Better understanding

Smart Question #0052

  • Discoverer/ submitter: 'the alien'

  • Submission timestamp: 2020.10.21 -13:00GMT

  • Question: How does all this positivity & world improvement stuff begin?

TAP Response #0052

  • Initial response timestamp: 2020.10.21 -13:00GMT

  • Last update timestamp: 2020.10.21 -13:00GMT

  • Response:

    • It all starts by building awareness of the possibility.

    • People need NOT even believe it possible.

    • All they need is awareness of the movement.

    • They just need to recognize the initiative name:

      • TAP

    • Some, many, will reject the possibility.

      • They will quickly assess TAP as being more harmful than helpful -

        • short term and/or long term.

    • But others, maybe only a few in the beginning,

      • will see TAP as more beneficial than harmful,

        • especially for future generations.

    • Awareness, good and bad,

      • is all that is required to start.

    • TAP already has two years of awareness building under its belt.

    • It actually had great reception too -

      • with much positive initial response.

    • But the man killed all the big commercial activity -

      • but NOT the awareness of the possibility -

        • within the minds of those who learned about TAP.

Smart Question #0053

  • Discoverer/ submitter: 'the alien'

  • Submission timestamp: 2020.10.21 -13:13GMT

  • Question: When did TAP first start?

TAP Response #0053

  • Initial response timestamp: 2020.10.21 -13:13GMT

  • Last update timestamp: 2020.10.21 -13:13GMT

  • Response:

    • A someone complex question...

    • TAP believes it has always existed in our universe -

      • like everything else discovered and not yet discovered.

    • The alien (me) has been searching for it for more than three (3) decades.

    • TAP is NOT a static thing -

      • it continues to evolve in time -

        • it continues to improve -

          • all the time.

    • The alien gave it its three-letter name about half a decade ago.

    • Even the name has evolved.

    • The three (3) letters have endured,

      • but what they stand for has grown and changed.

    • More important is -

      • the TAP innovations discovered have greatly increased.

    • And different than most other possibility -

      • TAP possibility seems to align to add additional positivity.

    • Even before TAP got it three (3) letters -

      • it was evolving.

    • Components of TAP were emerging in my awareness.

    • I gave them names and others gave them other names.

    • But now I understand they were all evolving to become TAP.

Smart Question #0054

  • Discoverer/ submitter: 'the alien'

  • Submission timestamp: 2020.10.21 -13:59GMT

  • Question: How's TAPable different than TAP?

TAP Response #0054

  • Initial response timestamp: 2020.10.21 -13:59GMT

  • Last update timestamp: 2020.10.21 -13:59GMT

  • Response:

    • TAPable is an interactive digital-tech platform -

      • to provide a game environment -

        • for learning firsthand -

          • the many facets of TAP.

    • It will first be launched with some basic functionality,

      • but hopefully will continue to evolve with positive feedback.

Smart Question #0055

  • Discoverer/ submitter: 'the alien'

  • Submission timestamp: 2020.10.21 -14:25GMT

  • Question: When will TAPable first launch?

TAP Response #0055

  • Initial response timestamp: 2020.10.21 -14:25GMT

  • Last update timestamp: 2020.10.21 -14:25GMT

  • Response:

    • We've come so close so many times over the past two (2) years -

      • to create a business strategic partnership -

        • to develop TAP software.

    • But each time the man has managed to kill all deals -

      • that were ready to finalize with contracts.

    • TAPable software, to do correctly,

      • will take a good amount of time, effort and capital.

    • Right now we are starting over again,

      • but this time the woman and the alien are working separately from one another.

    • The woman is cursed with the man.

    • We now test whether the man will also try killing any deals the alien establishes -

      • without the woman.

Smart Question #0056

  • Discoverer/ submitter: 'the alien'

  • Submission timestamp: 2020.10.21 -14:35GMT

  • Question: What are the terms of a deal the alien is looking for?

TAP Response #0056

  • Initial response timestamp: 2020.10.21 -14:35GMT

  • Last update timestamp: 2020.10.21 -15:49GMT

  • Response:

    • Most people will love the terms of the deal I seek.

    • It starts with this unusual term:

      • 'You' will have 100% ownership in anything you do.

      • The alien wants NO ownership in what you do.

    • Do TAP and/or TAPable the correct way -

      • and the alien will help you do it correctly.

    • Do it wrongly -

      • and the alien will not help you further.

    • Do it right and I will provide help until I die.

    • The help I provide will be provided on my terms though -

      • NOT 'your' terms.

      • And I do not work as most others do,

        • so be warned.

        • I work much smarter:

          • Less wastefulness

          • More efficiently

    • Also know going in,

      • that I will maintain no secrets your venture hopes to maintain.

      • I may or may not disclose certain details of the project work.

    • The general rule is simple:

      • If some knowledge will help the future world -

        • then most likely I will share it openly and freely with the whole world.

    • I'm NOT interested in helping 'you' profit from TAP.

    • My primary objective is to help improve our world.

    • All 'you' need do is -

      • be thoughtful about what 'you':

        • ask of me

        • share with with me.

    • One final important term:

      • Work in secret up until launch,

        • so the man and his org -

          • are NOT given the opportunity to derail the project efforts.

Smart Question #0057

  • Discoverer/ submitter: 'the alien'

  • Submission timestamp: 2020.10.21 -14:52GMT

  • Question: What will and/or will NOT the alien do?

TAP Response #0057

  • Initial response timestamp: 2020.10.21 -14:52GMT

  • Last update timestamp: 2020.10.21 -14:52GMT

  • Response:

    • I do not:

      • do meetings

      • do interviews

    • I prefer to comm:

      • in shared docs

      • in chatrooms

      • respond to smart questions

      • not necessarily in live mode

      • with deeper thought

        • and reflection of all alternative possibility.