Take PCI Compliance Solutions To Make Your Business Secure

PCI Compliance Solutions

Any business that handles cardholder data or sensitive authentication data needs to keep the data secure. There is a Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) which can be followed to make the data secure. There are 12 standards in PCI DSS set by the Payment Card Industry Security Standards Council (PCI SSC).

The standard defines the security requirements, policies, procedures, network architecture, software design and other protection standards. When you become a PCI compliant business you have a reduced risk of data breaches.

You can showcase the PCI compliance stature and promote your business as committed to protecting the customer data. You can take PCI compliance solutions to protect your business from any attack. Once your business is PCI compliant you will need to take PCI compliance assessments.

PCI certification and assessment process

The scope is defined by taking all the business processes into consideration. Processes like Capture, Authorization, Settlement and Charge back.

The gaps in the business control are determined according to the 12 PCI standards by the Qualified Security Assessor. The areas that need immediate attention are identified.

Any security weaknesses in the business-critical environments are identified. The weaknesses are prioritized based on the impact they can make on the business. Necessary actions are taken for the closure.

Data Discovery tools are used to get insights and the patterns of the data stored in the business system. This makes the business secure from any attacks.

Based on the tests and analysis solutions, support and plans are suggested. An offsite audit is conducted.

The solutions implemented are tested for the PCI compliance standards through an onsite audit. Final reports are given to the client.

Benefits of PCI compliance

The businesses will have a reduced risk of data breaches and the application will become secure and the loopholes will be closed.

Once you take the PCI compliance you can showcase your business as a secure business and this will help in business growth.

You will be able to avoid the costly fines which are imposed in case of a data breach incident. Complying with the standards will help your business to build a reputation with the clients.