Value Statement of Our Team

The focus of the CASTLab is on nurturing group members to help them develop not only as world class scientists and engineers, but also good global citizens.

We foster an innovative, inclusive, and collaborative environment. We strive to include an inclusive and collaborative group of researchers that value academic integrity and scientific rigor to advance knowledge and benefit society. We prioritize learning from each other and from the world around us to advance our field, recognize the impact we have on the society, and strive to improve the world around us.

In the process of pushing the limits of human knowledge, we recognize the importance of physical and mental health of its members. We listen to one another and care for each other's mental and physical well-being.

We are committed to maintain a diverse, inclusive, welcoming, and supportive team. We welcome people from all backgrounds and identities. We strive towards changing the status quo. We listen to and learn from each other's experiences and work towards building a more equitable world order in STEM and our broader community.

We recognize our important roles in society as scientists, engineers and citizens. We defy the status quo and strive to push the boundaries of science and equity in society.