Virtual Poetry Lesson:

Sound Map

Sound Map -

Below is a lesson on how to write poems using sound. These poems are fun and make you take notice of your environment! This particular lesson was inspired by "How to be an Explorer of the World" by Keri Smith and Poem, "Listen to the World for a Minute or Two" by Dave Cantrel.


This is the voice and video recording of the lesson. This particular lesson is about 10 minutes long and goes through how to write a poem using sound, being descriptive in your poem, and how to start analyzing a poem for its structure.

Sound Map Published Space

This is a collective place where students can publish their sound map poems. I hope to see more and more over the next couple of months!

Sound Map

This is the presentation used in the recorded video. Teachers are free to use this resource!

This is the script I used to create my recorded video.

Smith, K. (2008). How to Be an Explorer of the World. Penguin Book Group: New York, NY.
Cantrel, D. (2013). Listen to the World for a Minute or Two. The Poetry Box. Web.