Project 1


This project uses augmented reality to map two knickknacks depicting an attraction each onto two physical cubes; the MergeCube and the ClassCube. This was built using Unity and Vuforia Engine. The first knickknack, mapping to the MergeCube, depicts the Chicago Cloud Gate. One of the sides gives the current weather in Chicago as well as the temperature in degrees F, and updates regularly. Another side gives the local time in Chicago in 12 hour AM/PM. While visible, the knickknack plays an ambient city sound.

The second, mapping to the ClassCube, depicts Brookfield Zoo. Like the previous knickknack, this also displays the weather and the local time, but instead displays the temperature in degrees C and the time in 24 hour style. While visible, the knickknack plays an ambient wildlife and nature sound.


  1. Install Unity Hub here:

  2. Once you have installed Unity Hub, click on Install from the side, then click Install Editor in order to download Unity.

  3. Click the Archive button, then the "Long Term Support" text.

  4. Click on LTS Release 2021.36f1, then Unity Hub to install it directly there. This will give you Unity version 2021.3.6f1. Download Android or iOS according to what you wish to use when prompted.

  5. Download Vuforia Engine 10.9 from here by registering for an account :

  6. Add it to Unity by following this page:

  7. To download the project, go to the GitHub repository at the top of this page, and go to the Code button and download ZIP. Extract to where you'd like.

  8. Go to Unity Hub and add the project by picking the folder you downloaded the repository to.

  9. Once you're in the project, go to File and then to Build Settings. Select whichever platform you'd like to use.

  10. Once that is done, click the play button at the top of the screen to start. Bring out your MergeCube and ClassCube and point the camera towards them.

  11. Have fun!

Assets used

One of the requirements was 6 unique models taken from the web, 3 per KnickKnack.

  1. Chicago Cloud Gate "Bean"

The Chicago Cloud Gate is the big attraction itself that many people visit due to its unique shape looking like a bean. It is in the Millennium Park.


2. Low Poly Casual Man Walking

There are almost always people at the Cloud Gate, whether they are marveling, taking pictures, or just strolling around the park.


3. Shiba

As the Cloud Gate is in Millennium Park, many people bring their dogs along for a walk, so it's not uncommon to see one around.


4. Casual Male

Many tourists come to visit the Brookfield Zoo to see the animals, this man is a representation of one.


5. Tiger

The tiger is but one of the many species of animals in Brookfield Zoo, as well as being one of the more popular sites.


6. Trees

Brookfield Zoo takes care to make sure the place feels abundant with nature, and as such there are many trees everywhere.


Brookfield Zoo Map section

This section of Brookfield Zoo's map highlighting the Big Cats area was used as a fourth side for the knickknack.


Millennium Park Logo

As the Cloud Gate is within Millennium Park, I used it's logo for the fourth side of the knickknack.



Urban Traffic

The Cloud Gate is located in downtown Chicago, so you will almost always be hearing traffic and general city sounds.

Rainforest Ambience

While Brookfield Zoo isn't a rainforest, this sound represents the general sound of wildlife and nature that you hear when walking around the zoo.

Models Created

  1. Staircase

The Cloud Gate is actually slightly elevated on a platform, with a small section of stairs leading to it, and is a notable part of the attraction as they stretch out pretty far.

2. Street Lightpost

Being that the Cloud Gate is in Chicago, it's not uncommon to see these kind of streetlamps around and so its used to give more of a feeling that it is the city.

3. Fence

The Brookfield Zoo must put a barrier between the animals and people so as to protect them both, so I used a fence post to represent that, even if its not used as the barrier for the tigers, or even be effective at saving someone from a tiger.

4. Fence

Brookfield Zoo has numerous signs all over the place reminding visitors to not touch or feed any of the animals.

Discussion Prompt

I think that while there is no doubt the AR technology will improve and most likely have more eyes on it, I am hesitant to say that it would definitely become popular enough that people are constantly wearing AR glasses everywhere. I say this because I think many people in the end will just prefer physical things to look at instead of 3d models everywhere. I can see how it would be annoying walking out in public and you constantly have AR in your face walking by everything. I think there would be many people who would just prefer to see the world as it is. However on a smaller scale, being used at home, at work, or specific stores or attractions, it has the potential to become very popular. At home, you could have Quality of Life augments to various objects in your house. Storing things in boxes could be augmented such that it displays the contents without having to open it. AR also has the potential to let people be even more creative and free with customizing their house as they see fit. You could have picture frames that show an enhanced, 3d picture instead of a 2d one, or if you have a collection of little souvenirs, they could be augmented to be even more marvelous than the souvenir itself, similar to our knickknacks. One of the more practical usages of AR with small objects I can see is for labeling and identifying things such as disks and SD cards. It would save some hassle of storing them, not needing to carefully label and put each thing in their own storage. It could be enhanced such that you get easy information about the contents just from looking at the disk or SD card. You could take a look at them and identify if it holds a game, videos, pictures, and what kind of information. This would save the work of actually putting them in a computer and checking the contents if you just want to know something quick. This is especially useful for SD cards which cannot be physically written on like disks can. If you have a whole lot of disks and SD cards stored together, rather than take each individual one out and look at what it says/its label, you can skim your eyes over and easily tell which is what.