Scientific Journal

Brooks, J., Maeda, T., Ringhofer, M., & Yamamoto, S. (2024). Oxytocin homogenizes horse group organization. IScience, 27(7), 110356. doi

Maeda T, Yamamoto S. (2023) Drone Observation for the Quantitative Study of Complex Multilevel Societies. Animals, 13, 1911. doi 

Mendonça R. S., Maeda, T., Pinto, P., Inoue, S., Ringhofer, M., Yamamoto, S., & Hirata, S. (2023) Examining the effect of sociodemographic factors on feral horses' social networks. Journal of Zoology, 321(2): 113-127.

Mendonça, R. S., Pinto, P., Maeda, T., Inoue, S., Ringhofer, M., Yamamoto, S., & Hirata, S. (2022) Population Characteristics of Feral Horses Impacted by Anthropogenic Factors and Their Management Implications. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 10: 848741. 

Maeda T, Sueur C, Hirata S, Yamamoto S (2021) Behavioural synchronization in a multilevel society of feral horses, PLOS ONE 日本語解説 Press release doi (peer reviewed by PCI network science doi)

Shoshi Y, Kazato K, Maeda T, Takashima Y, Watari Y, Matsumoto Y, Miyashita T, Sanjoba C (2021) Prevalence of serum antibodies to Toxoplasma gondii in free-ranging cats on Tokunoshima Island, Japan Journal of Veterinary Medical Science, 83, 2, 333-337 doi 

Maeda T, Ochi S, Ringhofer M, Sosa S, Sueur C, Hirata S, Yamamoto S (2021) Aerial drone observations identified a multilevel society in feral horses Scientific Reports, 11, 71 日本語解説 Press release doi 

Maeda T, Nakashita R, Shionosaki K, Yamada F, Watari Y (2019) Predation on endangered species by human-subsidized domestic cats on Tokunoshima Island Scientific Reports, 9, 16200 プレスリリー doi 


平田聡, 板原彰宏, 井上漱太, 狩野文浩, 前田玉青, 山本真也 (2023) 先端技術を用いた動物行動研究 細胞, 55(8): 12-15



平田聡、リングホーファー萌奈美、井上漱太、前田玉青、越智咲穂、山本真也(2019)『野生ウマの社会―ポルトガル・アルガ山のガラノ種の事例を中心に』「遺伝」73(3), pp.230-236