I have been very fortunate in my career. One way, has been through obtaining scholarships and grants. I attribute this type of success to several factors:

Brainstorm, outline, rough draft, edit, re-draft, ..., final version. 

Despite this, obtaining awards often came with a bad case of Imposter Syndrome. This is because there are a lot of myths around what affirmative action is, and how it is performed. Because I belong to groups that are underrepresented in Mathematics, or marginalized in society, I believed not that I was worthy of the award, but that it had been given to me to check some box on some form. However, I am happy to report that I no longer feel this way. 

Which brings me to this new project: the Mock NSF. Beginning (hopefully in 2024) I am going to run a Mock NSF grant panel with 10 participants as follows:

Top priority: 2 proposals

Medium priority: 3 proposals

Low priority: 5 proposals

More information coming soon!