
On April 13, 2024, UNCG hosted its annual Science Everywhere event, a part of North Carolina's Science Festival. My protest booth entitled Paradoxes & Contradictions was only one of few to highlight the recent cuts. I explained the two notions to participants and exemplified a contradiction with a game of hopscotch, as depicted by the image above, pointed participants to this website, and explained the points below. Experts in CAT(0) cube complexes will recognize that this square complex is not special. Unfortunately, what is happening at UNCG is also not special. 



On February 1, 2024, Chancellor Gilliam announced that he approved over 20 program closures, including all Physics programs and all graduate programs in Mathematics. Why are these programs being cut? The mathematical notion of a contradiction can be used to deduce that, this paradoxical action was NOT performed for any of the stated reasons. 

What is a contradiction in mathematics?

In math, a contradiction is deduced when we find that something is both TRUE and FALSE.

If we assume that the above is TRUE then we are led to deduce it is FALSE. Also, if we assume it is FALSE then we are led to deduce it is TRUE. The simultaneous validity of TRUE and FALSE make this statement a Paradox.

Why were the programs closed?

Impact on the Triad & NC

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What can you do?