Below  are  the  articles I am working on now days, some are already submiited and some  or on last stages to submit.

MIDAS Poisson regression advancements in dengue fever prediction using Google Trends and environmental data
Submitted to, Journal of Applied Statistics. 

Talha Omer

Multidimensional Panel Data Regression Model: The Case of Multidimensional Home Ownership Vacancy Rate in the USA With Daniel Henderson and Andros Kourtellos (2023) Link to paper

Multidimensional Dynamic Panel Data Model for Forecasting Target Journal: Journal of Business and Economic Statistics
With Daniel Henderson and Andros Kourtellos

Machine Learning Approaches to Forecasting the Realized Volatility of Crude Oil Price Target Journal: Energy Economics
With Gazi Salah Uddin, Kristofer Månsson, and Pär Sjölander

An RU MIDAS Trajectories-Based Approach Measuring Intergenerational Mobility in Sweden Working on initial draft
With Daniel J. Henderson & Andros Kourtellos (2024)

Forecasting Crude Oil Volatility Price: Evidence Based on HAR and Two-Parameter Ridge Regression Submitted to Quantitative Finance (2024)
With Ibrar Khan, Kristofer Månsson, and Pär Sjölander

Asymmetric Approach to Measure the Efficiency of Firms in Sweden With Daniel Henderson, Muhammad Qasim, and Kristofer Månsson