Recent Publications

1. Improved Breitung and Roling Estimator for Mixed-Frequency Models with Application to Forecasting Inflation Rates
Statistical Papers (2024): 1-23
Co-authors: Par Sjölander, Kristofer Månsson, B.M.Golam Kibria

2. Improved Estimators for the Zero-Inflated Poisson Regression Model in the Presence of Multicollinearity: Simulation and Application of Maternal Death Data
Communications in Statistics: Case Studies, Data Analysis and Applications, 7:3, 394-412
Co-authors: Par Sjölander, Kristofer Månsson, B.M.Golam Kibria
DOI: 10.1080/23737484.2021.1952493

3. Performance of Some New Liu Parameters for the Linear Regression Model
Communications in Statistics-Theory and Methods, 49(17), 4178–4196 (2020)
Co-authors: M. Qasim, M. Amin

4. An Unrestricted MIDAS Poisson Regression Model
Presented at the 14th International Conference on ERCIM WG on Computational and Methodological Statistics and the 15th International Conference on Computational and Financial Econometrics (CFE-CMStatistics 2021) at King's College London, UK, 18-20 December 2021.
Co-authors: Par Sjölander, Kristofer Månsson, B.M.Golam Kibria

5. Improved Boosted Two-Parameter Breitung Estimator: An Application to Crude Oil Prices
JSM Proceedings, Business and Economic Section, American Statistical Association. 1716-1726
Co-authors: Par Sjölander, Kristofer Månsson, B.M.Golam Kibria

6. Optimization of Monitoring Network to the Rainfall Distribution Using Stochastic Search Algorithms: Lessons from Pakistan
Tellus A: Dynamic Meteorology and Oceanography, 74(1), 2022
Co-authors: Hassan M. U., Hussain I., Ilyas M., Hashmi S. G. M. D., Khan Y. A.

For more information about my projects and additional publications, please refer to my resume and links below,
Google Scholar Profile.
ResearchGate profile