Axion - News Web Application

Sep 2017 - Dec 2023

As an innovative start-up, we focus on advanced news tools promoting wellbeing and resisting disinformation. Our platform has 220,000 monthly active users and 100 premium subscribers paying $10/month. We're known for Japan's top economic magazine, with expert translations from Bloomberg, Financial Times, The Economist, The New York Times, and Scientific American, plus our unique newsletters."

Axion - News iOS App

A news app released in July 2023, based on Flutter. Yoshida was in charge of design and product management, while the coding for the client app was outsourced to a development company in Vietnam.

Axion Project Website

Business Plan 

Business Plan, Axion Technologies K.K., Oct 2022

by Takushi Yoshida

This business plan, targeted at international investors, was formulated in October 2022. It exceeds 100 pages and encompasses all aspects of the startup, from the business environment to the go-to-market strategy, product planning, and financial forecasts. This document serves as a supplement to the pitch deck, intended to respond to investors seeking a more detailed understanding of our company.

Business Plan, Axion Technologies K.K., Oct 2022

Product Plan

Product Plan ver 2.0(Eng), Dec 2019 - Revised on Jan 1, 2024.

This document is the Product Plan, initially developed in 2019 and subsequently revised in 2023. It encompasses a detailed analysis of the product's multiple facets, considering the viewpoints of product management, software engineering, and marketing. The plan consolidates strategies and actions derived from this multifaceted analysis.

Product Plan ver 2.0(Eng), Dec 2019 - Revised on Jan 1, 2024.

iOS App UI Design

May 2023

Prototyping with Figma. Detailed annotations were added to clarify instructions to software engineers along with specifications.

Vision of Axion Project: Get humanity free from any constraints, Optimize their pursuit of happiness

April 2019

Takushi Yoshida, a journalist in Indonesia since 2010, focused on politics and faced the challenge of rampant misinformation, particularly during the 2014 presidential election. His experiences led him to establish Axion Technologies K.K., aiming to combat fake news through "smart nodes" in digital networks. Axion's goal is to improve information quality, enhance decision-making, and advance society.

Mission of Axion Project 

This article explores the concept of 'Smart Node' as a revolutionary means to enhance information distribution on the Internet. It delves into how Smart Nodes are instrumental in realizing Axion's vision of liberating humanity from constraints and optimizing the pursuit of happiness. Join us as we unravel the intricacies of Smart Nodes and their pivotal role in transforming digital information dissemination.