Junior Associate Prof. (tenured), School of Political Science and Economics, Tokai University
Ph.D. in Economics (Waseda University; SV: Koichi SUGA)
E-mail:  t.kurihara.academic***gmail.com, ***=@
Google Scholar, researchmap, Faculty page


Research interests

Publications and WPs (Bold style: the first author(s))

Journal publications (peer-reviewed)       

[6] Kurihara, T., 2023. Sufficient conditions making lexicographic rules over the power set satisfy extensibility. Journal of Mathematical Psychology, 115. [Link]

[5] Adachi, T., Chung, H., Kurihara, T., 2023. (The Impossibility of) Deliberation-Consistent Social Choice. American Journal of Political Science. [Link]

[4] Imahori, M., Kurihara, T., Noguchi, H., 2019. Does income affect medical care and long-term care expenditures for the elderly?: Evidence from claims data of a municipality in Japan. Japanese Journal of Health Economics and Policy (医療経済学研究), 31, 27-46. [ Link ]

[3] Kurihara, T., 2018. Axiomatic characterizations of the basic best-worst rule. Economics Letters, 172, 19-22. [ Link ]

[2] Kurihara, T., 2018. A simple characterization of the anti-plurality rule.  Economics Letters, 168, 110-111. [ Link ]

[1] Kurihara, T., Kobayashi, S., 2016. Relevance between Eye-Movements and Choice Behaviors: an Experiment on Strategic Form Games with the Eye-Tracking System. The Waseda Journal of Political Science and Economics, 389-390, 2-17. (in Japanese) [ Link ]

Working papers

[7] Adach, T., Chung, H., Kurihara, T. Borda Rule Meets Approval Voting: Social Choice Scoring Functions Aggregating Weak Orders.

[6] Kurihara, T., Imahori, M. The gender gap in the first marriage for the 20−34-year-old age group having the desire to marry in Japan.

[5] Kurihara, T., Suga, K. Collective decision–making with rational preference update systems based on an expert suggestion. 

[4] Kurihara, T. An axiomatic characterisation of Combined Borda rule. 

[3] Kurihara, T. Leximax and leximin rank-ordered rules on the power set with discrete categories. [SSRN]

[2] Kurihara, T. Leximedian rank-ordered rules on the power set with a rearrangement method. [ SSRN ]

[1] Kurihara, T., Funaki, Y. Relevance between Eye-Movements, Choice Behaviors on the Prisoner's Dilemma Games and Willingness to Pay for a Quasi-Public Good. [ SSRN ]

Studies in progress

Conferences (Bold style: the first author(s))

Invited talks

[2] Kurihara, T.  WINPEC Microeconomics Workshop Autumn 2019, Tokyo, November 2019.

[1] Kurihara, T. The 7th workshop of Normative Economics, Tokyo, January 2017 (Debater: Professor Kotaro Suzumura).

Conferences (peer-reviewed)

[21] Adachi, T., Chung, H., Kurihara, T. The 17th meeting of the Society for Social Choice and Welfare, Paris, July 2024.

[20] Kurihara, T., Imahori, M. XXV Applied Economics Meeting, Toledo, June 2023.

[19] Kurihara, T., Imahori, M. Autumn Meeting of JEA, Tokyo,  October 2022  (Debater: Professor Masaaki Mizuochi)

[18] Adachi, T., Chung, H., Kurihara, T. SAET 2021, virtual, June 2021. (Online)

[17] Kurihara, T., Suga, K. World Congress of the IEA 2021, Bali, July 2021. (Online)

[16] Kurihara, T., Suga, K. PSA 2021, Belfast, March 2021. (Online)

[15] Kurihara, T., Suga, K. PSA 2020, Edinburgh, April 2020 (accepted, but cancelled).

[14] Kurihara, T.  2019 Autumn Meeting of JEA, Kobe, October 2019 (Debater: Professor Ryoichi Nagahisa).

[13] Kurihara, T. Tokyo Conference on Economics of Institutions and Organizations Summer 2019, Tokyo, August 2019.

[12] Kurihara, T., Elkind, E. 3rd ILLC Workshop on Collective Decision Making, Amsterdam, June 2019.

[11] Imahori, M., Kurihara, T., Noguchi, H. EuHEA  2018, Maastricht, July 2018.

[10] Kurihara, T.  ESAM 2018, Auckland, July 2018.

[9] Kurihara, T. COMSOC 2018, Troy, June 2018.

[8] Kurihara, T. SIAM DM18, Denver, June 2018.

[7] Kurihara, T. The XVIII World Congress of the IEA, Mexico City, June 2017.

[6] Kurihara, T. 2017 NASMES, St.Louis, June 2017.

[5] Kurihara, T. 2016 AMES, Kyoto, August 2016.

[4] Kurihara, T. The 13th Meeting of SSCW, Lund, June 2016.

[3] Kurihara, T., Funaki, Y. Consciousness and Intention in Economics and Philosophy 2015, Kyoto, December 2015.

[2] Kurihara, T., Funaki, Y. The 19th Conference of Experimental Social Sciences, Tokyo, November 2015.

[1] Kurihara, T., Kobayashi, S.  Japan Association of Political Economy the 5th conference, Tokyo, March 2014.

Other conferences 

[3] Adachi, T., Kurihara, T. WINPEC Microeconomics Workshop Autumn 2021, Tokyo, November 2021. (Online)

[2] Adachi, T., Chung, H., Kurihara, T. Spain-Japan Meeting on Economic Theory, Osaka & Tokyo, November 2021. (Online)

[1] Kurihara, T., Elkind, E. 2nd Spain-Japan Meeting on Economic Theory, Osaka & Tokyo, November 2018.


Career history

Fellowship (competitive)

Teaching experiences