
利根川 貴志



Research interest: Monitoring of seismological structure, Amphibious seismology, Broadband wave phenomena, Earth's interior


Web: Researchmap

Contact: tonegawa[at]

Position: Senior Research Scientist at JAMSTEC

Hobby: Swimming, Running

July 15, 2019: I participated in ocean swim for 5 km at Chigasaki, Japan.

January 13, 2020: I swam 200 m Fr and 200 m Fly.

September 27, 2020: I participated in ocean swim for 3 km at Chiba, Japan, and I was 8th out of 70 people and 3rd in 30s men. 

Mid October 2021: I participated in an ocean swim for 3 km, but the distance became 1.2 km due to the ocean condition.

Mid September 2022: I participated in an ocean swim for 2.5 km at Kanagawa, Japan, and I was 66th out of around 700 people.



March: We received an award from SSJ.


February: We are holding a session of "Seismological advances in the ocean" in JpGU2023.

2月:日本地球惑星科学連合2023年大会にて、Seismological advances in the oceanセッションを開催します。



December 29: Additional two papers were published in the second half of this year, and one focuses on wave propagations in the ocean excited by the 2022 Hunga Tonga volcanic eruption, and another studies temporal changes in seismic velocity west of the Japan Trench.


August 30: Two papers are published in the first half of this year, and those are related to P-wave retrieval from DAS records and temporal variation in seismic velocity in the Nankai subduction zone.


I received AGU's outstanding reviewer in 2021[link].
AGUのOutstanding reviewer in 2021に選出されました。リンク 


April 15: A paper on tidal-responded fault properties was published in Earth, Planets and Space [link], and its corrections was also published on May 13, 2021.



December 16: A paper on body-wave extraction from ambient noise records was accepted in Frontiers in Earth Science [link]


July 1: A paper on shallow very low frequency earthquake in the Hyuga-nada region was published in GJI [link]

    浅部超低周波地震の論文が出版されました。投稿から1年3ヶ月かかって受理され、その間に査読4ラウンド対応したので、宣伝させてください。 あと、オンラインですが、7/12にJpGUのS-SS03セッションを開催します。

January 29: We have a session in JpGU-AGU meeting on May, 2020.

  S-SS03 Seismological advances in the ocean

January 6: 半年間、更新しませんでした。すみません。


7/17: オントンジャワ海台の論文がJGRに受理されました[link]。

7/17: A paper on the seismological structure of the Ontong Java Plateau was accepted in JGR [link].