
PJ(Project)0. Entrepreneurs and evolution of resource mobilization

with Takayuki Suzuki, Fusako Adachi

Method: natural language processing (GPT4)

Keywords: Kyoto firms, informal governance, non-market logic, network

Data analysis

PJ0a. Challenges for entrepreneurs

with Jung Park, Esau Villatoro

Method: natural language processing (topic model, BERT)

Keywords: startups in Swiss

Under review

PJ0b. Inventor entrepreneurship

with Kyle Higham

Method: Stata

Keywords: Germany, patent, patent-inventor-establishment matched data

Data analysis

PJ1. Platform governance (dynamic governance) and firm performance

with Nobuyuki Inamizu

Method: agent-based simulation

Keywords: content moderation, social media platform

Under review

Presented at AOM Annual Meeting (2022)

PJ1a. Platform governance (dual openness strategy) and firm performance

with Nobuyuki Inamizu

Method: agent-based simulation

Keywords: content moderation, social media platform, creator economy

Under review

Presented at INFORMS Annual Meeting (2021)

PJ1b. Content generation, selection, moderation and platform firm performance

with Gwendolyn Lee

Method: conceptual

Keywords: social media platform, AI, blockchain, RBV

Lit review

PJ2. Optimal compensation scheme, overwork, and agents with limited environmental knowledge

with Toshihiko Nanba

Method: dynamic programming, reinforcement learning (Q-learning)

Keywords: salesforce compensation, overwork, bounded rationality

Preparing for submission

PJ2a. Compensation scheme and common shock

with Jieyi Duan, Toshihiko Nanba

Method: experiment

Keywords: piece-rate/tournament scheme

Data analysis

PJ3. Routine creation process and routine performance

with Nobuyuki Inamizu, Fumihiro Sakahira

Method: agent-based simulation

Keywords: multi-unit organization, replication, selective retention, evolving template

Preparing for submission

PJ3a. Multi-disciplinary teams (MDTs) and blockchain-embedded routine

with Hayato Tanaka

Method: Conceptual

Keywords: information aggregation, routine rigidity and responsiveness, team fluidity

Preparing for submission

PJ3b. Diversity and member satisfaction in TMT 

with Chen Liang

Method: agent-based simulation (NK landscape)

Keywords: TMT composition, demographic and cognitive diversity, voting

Preparing for submission

PJ4. Technological change and capability development of incumbent firms

with Ryuichi Kumata

Method: mathematical model

Keywords: responsivity to demand shift, resource allocation, parallel development


PJ4b. Japanese-style management and capability




Idea generation