My research interests intersect probability, geometry, and analysis. More particularly, they include infinite-dimensional analysis, Gaussian measures and processes, stochastic differential equations on Lie groups (and sometimes more general manifolds), Markov processes and semigroups, differential operators and hypoellipticity theory.  Most of my articles are on arXiv.

I co-organize the UVa Probability seminar

I am founder of and coordinate activities for Women in Probability.

I am faculty coordinator for the UVa Math Ambassadors.

All course materials for classes I am teaching may be found on the UVa Canvas course page.

Department of Mathematics

University of Virginia

Charlottesville, VA 22903 USA


Tel: (434) 982-2782

Fax: (434) 982-3084

Office: 205 Kerchof

E-mail: melcher "at"