Interpretation of Dreams

تفسير الاحلام tafsir al ahlam Interpretation of Dreams A specialized site in the presentation of the Dictionary of Interpretation of Dreams and visions free of charge in the order of letters arranged according to the Koran and the Sunnah of the Book of Interpretation Muhammad ibn Sirin Interpretation of Dreams to Ibn Sirin tafsir al ahlam

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Tafsir al ahlam The Interpretation of Dreams

This time, in which the right is mixed with falsehood, and his inner mind is in the vision and the people who are not.

Mixed with the right falsehood, and spoke in the vision and the people who are not eligible for it.

The reasons why we were encouraged to speak in this important matter can be summed up: see it

1. Some have exaggerated the vision and put it above its place,

Or it is broken by God's law to disobey sanctity or to forbid a halal based on a vision that he sees, or to call it a bad science of the unseen,

2. They do not see it, they devalue it, and it is seen as old words, myths and myths.

3. In our view of the middle school, there is no exaggeration and no exaggeration, it is not a living and a legislator, nor is it in vain and confusion, but rather what is right and wrong.

4 Do not rank it by people. People often talk about it. Especially women

For many people who do not make a vision, and do not value weight, God has made a great place, and the importance of language, it is clear that the benefits of this is to be followed

It is the cradle of the interpretation of dreams tafsir al ahlam

The interpretation of dreams, the words of Aisha, may God be pleased with her: (The first thing started by the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him from the revelation of the vision of good sleep, it was not seen does not come like a morning break ...)

Hadith and other hadeeths, the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: "The vision is part of forty-six parts of the Nabawah." The vision is a name

Divisions of vision

The vision is divided into three sections: interpretation of dreams tafsir al ahlam interpretation of dreams

The first: Hadith Al-Malak: This is the vision of truth, and it is a human being "tafsir ahlam arabic"

The second is the Hadith of the Shaytaan, which is the false view of the demonization of Satan.

Third: the talk of the soul: which is what the human is doing by himself.

These sections are covered by the meaning of the verse: "And you shall be able to speak the truth" and look at the word "Hadith" and no less.

Al-Baydawi said: (From the interpretation of the hadiths), which means that you can express the visions because they are truthful, and the talk of the soul and the Shaytaan were false.

The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: "The vision is three: a vision, a right and a vision.

The crossing is divided into five sections:

Interpretation of Dreams

The first is a section based on the expression of revenge for some symbols only. This is done in the case of the head because the vision is an integrated reality that damages the division.

Second: a section adopted in the expression of (the tendency of compatibility) to the earlier expression books, and in this case the reality of the opinion of each generation differs from the reality of the other.

Third: a section was adopted in the expression of the (Nizhaalahm) only, and make it special, at the crossing, and this is contrary to the advances did not respond to the guidance and not expelled by Ada.

Fourth: a section adopted in the expression of the (psychological tendency) only, such as the psychology of the soul and their parents

And neglect the other aspects contained in the Sunnah of the Sadiq and the Chaldean dream.

Fifth: A section based on the expression "the tendency", from the collection of all symbols and knowledge of the field of view.

This section is the correct evidence of Shari'a and the approval of the scholars of the Salaf and the Khalaf, and this is what will be the approach of this book with the permission of God Almighty.

And vision of the language of the image if the best characters and vocabulary and was associated with the reality of the pension has become a valid line to solve many of the problems of life or readiness for, and has become a source of knowledge and importance

Mafsaralhalam Ibn Sirin Sheikh Abdul Ghani Al-Nabulsi Ibn Shaheen Al-Ahsaie

The great benefit of vision tafsir al ahlam

In order to see the truth, there are many factors: تفسير الاحلام tafsir al ahlam

(1) that it is an imam of the Lord of the Worlds of the Believers, and it is not narrated in the hadeeth of the hadeeth:

The believer sees the believer or sees him) and that (in the era of time, the believer can hardly see the lie)

(1), where it is the most powerful to the installation of the Lord to come to this era, where the appointed, and where the violators and opponents.