Welcome to Tchouko's Page
Welcome to Tchouko's Page
Tchouko is a black-and-white, male, Pitbull. He was born on the 3rd of September 2020, he is from DOGS 509, registered at SCH under the number TG1007to30. His mom, Bulla, is registered under TG1010b9121. Bulla is an import from the Dominican Republic. Tchouko's Dad, Thor, is from Smiley Dog.
Tchouko's DNA results : https://www.wisdompanel.com/app/s/f5l7gcz
On the 21st of February 2021, Tchouko was 3rd on the Puppy Category of Conformation, at the SCH Invitational. First and second were a Presa Canario and a Cane da Presa. On May 8th 2022, Tchouko was 3rd on the Terrier Group Conformation.
SCH Invitational 2021
SCH Invitational 2021
Tchouko on the Training Field
Tchouko on the Training Field
Tchouko and Family
Tchouko and Family
Tchouko's parents : Thor & Bulla
Tchouko's parents : Thor & Bulla