Welcome to Stella's Page!

Stella is a black-and-white, female, Pitbull, born on July 28th, 2021. She is from Krowned Head Bulliez, her UKC Registration Number is P999-872.

Stella is from the first litter of King Koda (UKC P997-923). King Koda is a tri-color sire from BlackLine Bully Kennels. The dam is Royel (UKC P997-922) from Top Product Kennels.

Below, you'll see Stella's origin, and her pictures from birth to now. Our goal with Stella is to make her very strong and agile for protection purposes, you’ll see that she lost most of the puppy-fat at an early age. Stella is very lucky to have Tchouko as a motivator, he keeps Stella fit by making her run, and he helps with the muscle building process by never letting her win when playing Tug of War. Follow her on TikTok to keep up with her lifestyle and share any comments that you may have.

Her DNA results : https://www.wisdompanel.com/app/s/45yrmxf

Stella's Origin

Stella's 2021 Album