Our Story

When TaVaris was in college, he had the opportunity to study abroad in Japan. Most mornings, when he would wake, his host mother would be up preparing an assortment of vegetables. It took him several weeks of wondering what she would be doing with all this food, and realizing that they weren't having it at the breakfast meal despite the morning preparation, to realize that she was planning ahead already for the evening meal. Up until this point, he'd mostly thought of his next meal when he had a craving or a hunger pang. His host mother's careful forethought and preparation of each daily meal completely changed his view of food.

Additionally, TaVaris cherished the moments when his host family members would arrive home and greet the family by exclaiming, "Tadaima!" This expression stuck with him through the years, along with the idea that arriving in one's own home should be a joyful and relaxing welcome.

Upon his return to the US, TaVaris began to increase his awareness of the food he was eating, the time he spent planning his meals, and the quality of what he ate. He also began to slowly shed meats and dairy from his diet until he cultivated a vegan lifestyle for himself. Now, fourteen years later, TaVaris has a plant-based certificate from Cornell and is excited to share his passion for mindful eating habits and plant-based foods with you!