Taber's Cyclopedic Medical Dictionary. 24th ed. Incidence. Philadelphia, PA: F.A. Davis Company; 2021. Accessed June 15, 2023.

Reviewer: Iris Kovar-Gough, MA, MLIS (Michigan State University Libraries)

Description: This dictionary follows the standard format - it is organized alphabetically with pronunciations, basic etymology, and definitions. Call out boxes and tables show more granular information on a topic and red outlines draw attention to safety or caution information. The online version includes the same entries as the print version, as well as videos and audio pronunciation guides. The video content is primarily procedural with some limited basic science such as the structure of DNA. The previous edition was published in 2017.

Purpose: The purpose is to define vocabulary, scientific and clinical concepts, and procedures for healthcare students, educators, and clinicians. This dictionary aims to be a bedside reference during clinical practice and patient care. It is one of the major seminal works in the genre. It is sparsely illustrated, but balances being a comprehensive dictionary with features that emphasize patient care and clinical competence. The online version adds value with multimedia features. The mobile app is a great complement to the print edition and will likely be used more on the ward than the print book.

Audience: The audience is primarily residents, nurses, and practitioners, but the dictionary is accessible for health professions students of all levels. It offers information for all specialties but may be most appropriate for family and internal medicine. The editor is a physician and fellow of the American College of Physicians.

Features: Taber's covers a wide variety of clinical and basic science topics. In particular, its clinical skills content is well integrated, and the majority of images are clinically focused. They offer a bedside reference that is more granular than other medical dictionaries. The writing is clear and concise and the images useful and high quality. This edition has more content on aged populations and oncology than previous ones. This additional content is helpful given the aging population and the need for more gerontological knowledge and procedural training. It uniquely uses red outlines and a yellow/red triangle symbol to draw readers' attention to caution/safety statements. It also uses color and font to highlight patient care pearls. The formatting makes this an easy-to-read reference for bedside care. The artwork is minimal, and the print version could have used more images. The online version has more images, although they are a fraction of those found in competitors like Dorland's Illustrated Medical Dictionary.

Assessment: This edition includes additional topics such as aging, cancer care, epidemics, informatics, and nutrition. It strives to be inclusive of all specialties as well as clinical and basic science topics. Given the pace of medical advances, a new edition after four years is welcome and justified. Compared to other medical dictionaries, such as Dorland's or Stedman's, this one is smaller and has fewer definitions and images. However, its focus on direct patient care is unique as is the video content in the online version.

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A medical dictionary defines "habit" as: "The result of an impulse passing through a certain set of neurons, then synapses many times; a motor pattern executed with facility because of constant repetitions. ... Habit, words pert. to: ... addict, addiction state ...";

The dictionary definition of the terms "addict," "to addict," "addicted" and "addiction" are as follows: An addict is "one who is addicted to a habit, esp. to the habit of taking of some drug ..."; "to addict" means "to apply habitually; to give one's self up and over to as a constant practice; to devote; habituate"; "addicted," when used in a bad sense, "refers to one who is given up or strongly disposed to some taste, practice or pursuit"; and "addiction" means "state of being addicted; also, habituation, esp. to drugs." (Webster's New International Dictionary, second edition, unabridged.) The medical dictionary heretofore considered defines "addict" as "1. To form a habit for the use of a drug. 2. One habituated to the use of a drug"; and defines "addiction" as "Enslavement to some habit, esp. the drug habit. ... A condition in which cessation of narcotic or other drug produces definite 'symptoms of abstinence.' " (Taber's Cyclopedic Medical Dictionary, revised sixth edition.) The Welfare and Institutions Code defines a "narcotic drug addict" within the meaning of the condition there under consideration as "any person who habitually takes or otherwise uses to the extent of having lost the power of self-control ... any ... narcotic drug ..." (Welf. & Inst. Code,  5350.) [13] From the foregoing discussion it is apparent that a definition of the terms "addict" and "addicted" as used in the Health and Safety Code, intrinsically involve the concept of habit; of a compulsive factor which directs the action of the addict; of a repetitious use of narcotics resulting in a condition which destroys the power of self-control and creates a need therefor which may be satisfied only by a continued use thereof. [14] On the other hand, it has been declared that the dictionary definition of the term "habitual" involves the concept of habit and frequency of action. (In re Newbern, 53 Cal. 2d 786, 794 [3 Cal. Rptr. 364, 350 P.2d 116].) [15] As a consequence, an observance of the statutory distinction between [180 Cal. App. 2d 770] an "addict" and an "habitual user" compels the conclusion that the characteristics attributable to habit which are present in the addict need not be present in the habitual user, and that a definition of the latter term does not require the necessary inclusion of these characteristics, but carries the broader criterion of frequent use without the necessity of addiction. This conclusion is in accord with respondent's contention. ff782bc1db

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