
Variation in clausal complementation

The main ongoing project investigating the patterns of complement selection by clause-embedding verbs. It aims to assess the role of c-selection and s-selection in complementation. We focus on dialects of Zulu and Northern Ndebele to gain insights from microvariation. This project has recently received support from the National Science Foundation (BCS 2214933) and will be the primary research project conducted in the lab until 2025. 

Non-finite clauses in Shona

An ongoing student-run project investigating the expression of non-finiteness in Shona embedded clauses. 

Non-agreeing raising in Ndebele

A completed student-run project on the apparent optionality of agreement with raised DPs in Ndebele. The investigation points to the conclusion that the optionality is an illusion: Raising always co-occurs with agreement and non-agreeing DPs are base-generated in their surface position.

Head movement and lowering in Swahili

A study of verbal morphosyntax in Swahili -- a language with ostensible T-to-C movement, but without V-to-T movement. Unlike some other languages with these properties (e.g. Danish), T-to-V lowering does not seem to feed T-to-C movement in Swahili.

Conjoined subject agreement in Zulu

A completed student-run project uncovering the complex patterns of agreement with conjoined subjects in Zulu.