
Sample Synthetic Dataset Generated using SynTable Pipeline


To demonstrate the capabilities of SynTable, we generated a sample synthetic dataset, SynTable-Sim, using our pipeline, for training and evaluating UOAIS models. Note that users can also generate other custom datasets that meet the specific requirements of their application using SynTable. 


SynTable Training & Validation Dataset

Train Dataset

Validation Dataset

Dataset Statistics

Histogram for number of connected components for UOAIS-Sim tabletop, SynTable-Sim and OSD-Amodal datasets

Histogram for number of regions per connected component (connected component size) for UOAIS-Sim tabletop, SynTable-Sim and OSD-Amodal datasets

Histogram of occlusion rate for UOAIS-Sim tabletop, SynTable-Sim and OSD-Amodal datasets