This Synology DVA-3219 is running DSM 7.0.1-42218 and Surveillance Station 8.2.10-7310, so unfortunately, retrieving the password from the /volume1/surveillance/[CAM]/cam_settings.conf file is no longer possible.

I did try and do a camera settings export, but the password given there appears to have been hashed. As near as I can tell, it is a Base64 encoded result of either an encrypted or hashed version of the plain-text password, but sadly, I'm a bit out of my depth here.

Synology Download Station Nzb Password


I'm guessing that the password is not hashed, since hashes typically are not reversible. In order for the camera settings export/import to work, and in order for the Synology to access the streams on the camera as well as modify settings, those passwords are either stored in plain text somewhere on the system that folks haven't found yet, or they are encrypted using a key that is available to the Synology and stored somewhere.

Once I had changed the admin account's password, I could log in as root or as admin with the new password. I had thought it was a coincidence that the two accounts had the same password, but they are apparently joined together.

All seems unnecessary to me but heigh ho. I resolved this after banging my head on brickwall for some time by setting the admin password through the web interface, ssh to the synology as admin, sudoing to the root id using bash and then running synouser --passwd root

The problem is with the Download Clients for which use Download Station on the NAS. I have edited them to reflect the new password for my DSM account. However, I get the following when trying to test them:

The DSM password had been the same for a long time. Obviously there have been updates to both DSM, and Sonarr since it was originally set, but everything continued working as it should until I changed the password. There were no other changes made at the time; it just broke as soon as I updated the password.

"Before using C2 Password, I often had to reset my students' passwords. Besides being time consuming, it prevented us from focusing on our work. C2 Password fixed all this, helping our students understand the importance of privacy and credential safekeeping along the way."

"Under some rare conditions, an attacker could leak enough information to restore the seed of the pseudorandom number generator (PRNG), reconstruct the admin password, and remotely take over the admin account," Claroty's Sharon Brizinov said in a Tuesday report.

The problem is rooted in the fact that the software uses a weak random number generator that relies on the JavaScript Math.random() method to programmatically construct the admin password for the network-attached storage (NAS) device.

"By leaking the output of a few Math.Random() generated numbers, we were able to reconstruct the seed for the PRNG and use it to brute-force the admin password," Brizinov explained. "Finally we were able to use the password to login to the admin account (after enabling it)."

"In a real life scenario the attacker will first need to leak the aforementioned GUIDs, brute force the Math.Random state, and gain the admin password," Brizinov said. "Even after doing so, by default the builtin admin user account is disabled and most users won't enable it."

Recently I deployed Bitwarden ( ) in Synology Docker and thought I would share my experience for others looking to do so. ***For experienced individuals comfortable with synology command line and linux environments with docker, I...

I'm currently at a loss to explain this I'm afraid. Can you confirm that 1. You are running the latest version of SecuritySpy, and 2. that the password has been fully entered and shows in the box if you click on it and use the left/right arrow keys to move to the end of the box? It's cut off in the screenshot because the password is longer than the box, so I just want to make sure it's actually all there.

Step 3. Click Authenticate, and enter the camera username and password. The default ONVIF port is 8000, make sure the ONVIF port is the same as your camera's. and click Authenticate.

Step 1. Click Add Manually, edit your camera name, choose [User Define] for Brand and enter the RTSP URL like username:password@camera ip address:554/Preview_01_main, then click Add.

Did you forget your Admin password for your Synology NAS? No problem, you can reset your unit and set a new password. But if you remember your password and you are able to log into your Synology DSM device just go to DSM > Options > Personal > Account to change the password, without needing to reset your Synology NAS.

1) The first reset mode allows you to reset the administrator login credentials and network settings to default settings. Remember: use this action only if you have forgotten your password and you no longer have access to your DSM, want to move your Synology NAS to another network environment or need to assign a new IP address.

The other major vector for ransomware is through your home PCs. Since they have access to the NAS shares, ransomware on the PCs can encrypt (or destroy) files on the NAS also. If the shares can be accessed without credentials (passwords) or if passwords are saved on the PCs, then ransomware can reach the NAS very easily.

Re: DDNS setup in my Orbi, I'm getting an error as shown below when I type in my DDNS credentials and hit "Apply". Says it's unable to locate hostname. When I click "Show Status" on the router, I get the popup box shown below ("service provider is not reachable"). I tried purposely entering a bad password, the error message follows (name and/or password is incorrect). So the error below is not a username/password issue. 17dc91bb1f

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