To buy or sell a share, the user should have a Demat account (dematerialized account), Meroshareaccount, and NEPSE TMS username and password. 

Demat account (dematerialized account) can open from bank, capital, or broker office bysubmittingcitizenship, passport size photo, pan number, and application form with an authorized signature.

Demat number and CRN (C-ASBA Registration Number) are provided to the customer, which is usedforIPO (Initial Public Offering). The Demat account number is necessary to open a broker/tradingaccount for buy and sell in the secondary market. 

Mero share account can open from the bank as well as broker office. To open an account Dematnumberis necessary. Mero share user name and password is provided, the user sets the pin. 

NEPSE TMS username and password are provided from NEPSE for online buy and sell a share in thesecondary market. Link is delivered to the customer through email, then the online buy and sellNEPSE TMS interface is open through the link sent from NEPSE ([email protected]) 

OR, search [email protected] in email search, and you can get it. 

OR, Go to nepsetms.comand choose your broker and login with username and password mailed from NEPSE([email protected]) 

Don't forget to use the sharecalculator before buy and sell the share for detailedcalculation. 

Share Calculator can calculate the percentage of return on investment quickly. 

The user requires to submit some necessary values like share quantity, buy price, and sellprice.After that, by clicking Calculate button, users will get the return on investment percentage ofthatparticular share. 

All stocks/shares should be listed on the NEPSE index of Nepal. 

Mero Share

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The Capital gain is the profits that an investor or trader earns when the investor sells thesharefor a higher price than the buy price. 

Capital gains taxes are only initiated when a share investment gain profit. 

Capital gain tax is not applied until the share is sold out with having profit on investment.

The variation between the buy price and the selling price of the share is capital gain if thebuyprice is lesser than the selling price. 

Capital gain is calculated by given below method: 

Sell amount - buy amount = capital gain amount 

The capital gain tax is allowed only if the investor or trader gains some profit. No tax is paidifthe investment does not gain any profit. 

The capital gain tax on the profit from the shares listed on the Nepal Stock Exchange NEPSE fortheindividual is 5%. 

The capital gain tax on the profit earned from the shares listed in the NEPSE for aninstitutionalinvestor or other than an individual should pay 10%. 

In the case of shares that are not listed on the stock exchange, the tax rate is different thanthelisted shares; 10% capital gain tax is charged for individuals and 15% for the institutional ornon-individual. 

Investing in the share is one of the investing options at any age of the lifetime. Starting toinvest in early life is an excellent decision to a better return on investment for the future.Nepalstock exchange is only the stock exchange possibility in Nepal for the stock investor. 

Compared to the other stock exchange worldwide with the Nepal stock exchange, it is minimalbecausefewer companies are listed in Nepse. The earning possibility in Nepal is a tremendous changebecausethe market is growing, and many other firms also on the way of listing in Nepse. 

If investors gain after selling the shares, buying at a lower price and selling at a higherpricegives some return on the investment. Usually, return on investment is denoted in percentage (%).Itmay be a positive return or a negative return on investment. 

If an investor or trader loses a trade, it means a negative return, and every investor wants toknowhow much they did have lost. Without tracking the money flow in and out, no one becomes asuccessfulinvestor, so that many people track down their return on the investment. 

The formula to calculate return on investment(Return - Investment) provides profit if the return is more and loss if the investment is moreThen, divide the profit or loss by investment and multiply by 100%; the result is the return oninvestment. 

For example, 

Ram bought 100 shares with the buying price of 200 each and sold out at the cost of 300, and itgives a 50% return on the investment calculated for RS 20000. 



0.5*100%= 50% return on the investment of RS 20000 

He gains RS 10000 from RS 20000, and total money increases to RS 30000 


Ramesh bought 100 shares with the buying price of 200 each and sold out at the cost of 100, anditgives a negative 50% return on the investment which is calculated for RS 20000. 

10000-20000= -10000 

-10000/20000= -0.5 

-0.5*100%= -50% return on the investment of RS 20000 

But, he lost Rs 10000 from RS 20000, total money remains RS 10000 


Using the above share calculatortoolautomatically calculates the return on your investment. So youcan use the above calculator for the best result. 

The craze of the share market is growing day by day in Nepal. The use of technology has made things much easier to buy and sell stocks from home using Mero Share Portal. With the increase of Mero share users, the problem of forgetting passwords has become very common nowadays.

Meroshare is an online portal developed by CSDS (Central Depositary System and Clearing Limited) which provides the details of share transactions with their DEMAT account. It is accessible via both website and mobile app.

You can easily fill up share forms for IPO and apply for IPO/FPO shares online using Meroshare without standing in lines for hours. It also offers you the chance to transfer shares, view share details, portfolio, transaction history, pledge Share details, and many more just sitting at your home online.

There are various ways to reset your Mersoshare password. You can send an email to reset your Mersoghare password. Similarly, you can fill up the form and submit it to the respective banks along with their charges for your password recovery. These steps are explained below in detail.

It is better to send an email to the respective capital services of your bank. It is because all the share related services like opening Demat account, providing Meroshare service, etc are looked at by them.

Investing in shares is one of the most profitable ways to grow your money. Did you know that the biggest investors in the world are the wealthiest people alive? They all have one thing in common: they invest in the stock market.

Use of Digital wallets , mobile banking and others has made mero share account renew process more easier. Now Customers can renew meroshare account instantly from Mero Share portal without having to visit banks or other depository Offices.

You can easily renew the Mero share account from Khalti. Just go to , enter your Depository Participants, username and password. Tap on MeroShare profile and click on renew Mero share account. There select Khalti as payment Partner and choose the number of total years you want to renew your Mero Share account. Tap on Proceed and pay . Your Mero Share account will be renewed Easily.

Mero Share Bazar provides all the information related to share market in Nepal. User can easily gets information and notification about upcoming IPO, FPO, right share, bonus dividend, IPO result and all the Nepali Share market news with this app.Features of this appUser gets notification about upcoming IPO and Stock news of Nepal.Easy and smooth to use.Update of News automaticallyWebsite Link we are using in this app are from;Merolagani.comMeroshareNepali paisaShare SansarInvesting NepalShare BazarShare LaganiNepali Stock ExchangeOnlinekhabarRatopatiBizpatiBizkhabarAarthikkarobarDisclaimerWe respect user's rights and advertisement provider's rights as well as content writer. All the information in this app are collected from internet source of Share website and online news website of Nepal. This app want to promote Nepali Share market and educate about share. Please share with us if any conflict with this app, we will solve as soon possible. You can contact us in

Mero Share Bazar provides all the information related to share market in Nepal. User can easily gets information and notification about upcoming IPO, FPO, right share, bonus dividend, IPO result and all the Nepali Share market news with this app.

We respect user's rights and advertisement provider's rights as well as content writer. All the information in this app are collected from internet source of Share website and online news website of Nepal. This app want to promote Nepali Share market and educate about share. Please share with us if any conflict with this app, we will solve as soon possible. You can contact us in 17dc91bb1f

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