26-29 October 2022 [live+digital] Granada & Alcalà la Real / Spain
[Synesthesia: Science and Art]
* The digital / physical challenge *
This VII edition of the International Congress of Synaesthesia: Science and Art 2022, for the first time, presents a novel theme, in order to deepen the studies on synaesthesia following a specific common key, not excluding the lines and topics of research that have always been addressed in our congresses.
Undoubtedly, the digital presence has become more invasive, permeating our daily work and private lives.
Challenge 1. How have synesthesia studies been affected by this transformation?
Challenge 2. How have synaesthetes experienced this transformation?
Challenge 3. How have didactics and training in creativity and synaesthesia changed their methods? How can the accessibility of content and artifacts through synaesthetic translation be facilitated by applying digital technologies?
Challenge 4. How have artists and musicians, and digital/physical exhibition events, changed the synaesthetic involvement of the audience?
Contributions are welcome from all disciplinary fields, including:
Neuroscience and Cognition,
Psychology and Psychiatry,
Perception, Arts, and Design,
Literature andLinguistics,
Digital Technologies.
This Congress counts with the support of:
The Master's Degree on Drawing, Illustration, Comic and Audiovisual Creation (University of Granada, UGr, Spain).
UGR and the University of Jaén Professors, from the Department of Didactics of Plastic, Corporal and Musical Expression.
UGR Faculty of Fine Arts and Faculty of Education Sciences.
Alcalá la Real (Jaén, Spain) Council.
As in previous editions, MuVi6 International Contest will take place and be displayed in several venues.
Check these links for information about Muvi5 and ADI INDEX DESIGN 2019 recognition.
Template Paper

NEW deadline for Abstract submission is 28 February 2022!
Template Abstract

Venues [live+digital]
Facultad de Bellas Artes Alonso Cano, Granada Spain
Palacio Abacial and Convento de Capuchinos, Alcalá la Real, Jaén, Spain
Granada (Avenida de Andalucía s/n. 18014)
Bus Lines: 4, 9, U1, N3
Four days of conference with speeches, exhibitions, and concerts
Keynote Speakers
Alhambra and Generalife Board Director. Regional Ministry of Culture.
Department of Behavioral and Social Sciences, Trident Technical College (Charleston, USA). Member of IASAS and FIAC.
Spanish writer and journalist Periodista y escritor español
Poetry writer and PhD in Theory of Literature and Comparative Literature, UGR
Poeta, editor y doctor en teoría de la Literatura y Literatura comparada UGR
26 October 2022
26 October 2022
27 October 2022
27 October 2022
27 /28Octubre Programme
28 programme
29 Octubre
Programme download
Belen Higueras Garnica
QUANTUM BABYLON, intervención charla especial, 28 de Octubre