Challenge track
The challenge track allows researchers to participate in one or more of the symmetry detection challenges described under Challenges. Training and validation data will be released and a package containing evaluation code and models. Detailed submission guidelines and related materials for each challenge can be found under the 2D Challenges and 3D Challenges sub-pages.
Participants are also expected to include a short, 4-page report (excluding references) describing the algorithm used for the challenge. We only ask for a short report to allow authors to focus on improving their challenge submission. After final leaderboards are released, the top-3 performing submissions in every challenge will be asked to extend the 4-page report to a full, 8-page paper that will be included in the workshop proceedings.
Symmetry works that have already been published, are welcome as challenge submissions. In this case, we still ask for a 4-page report (excluding references) that describes the method and the technical details of the particular submission. If there are no changes the authors can provide a condensed version of the already published work, to allow for the proceedings to be self-contained.
Paper track
The paper track invites researchers to submit 8-page papers (excluding references) that will be peer-reviewed and published in the workshop proceedings, upon acceptance. If a submission is addressing detection of any of the symmetry types described in Challenges, we strongly encourage the authors to consider participating in the challenge.
This track aims to attract papers that:
- address symmetry detection of a type not included in the challenge.
- introduce a new dataset.
- are theoretical.
- investigate the role of symmetry in human/biological vision.
- apply symmetry to tackle another computer vision task (e.g. detection, segmentation, retrieval, etc.).
Guidelines and submission kit
Submissions to both the paper and the challenge track will be performed through email to the address:
Send an email to this address, with the paper/report/results (or links to these) attached.
Email Title: The title of the email must have one of the following formats:
- [Paper track][FirstAuthorName][PaperTitle] or
- [Challenge track][Challenge name][FirstAuthorName][MethodName]
You are welcome to submit to both paper track, challenge track and to various challenges, but we kindly ask you to submit them with separate emails. The Challenge name should be one of the following {2D reflection, 2D rotation, 2D sym-coco, 2D frieze, 2D wallpaper, 2D skeleton, 3D reflection}.
Email Body: The body of the email should contain the paper abstract (if it's a paper track submission) or a brief description of the method (if it's a challenge track submission). If the files are too large in size to be attached in the email, the participants can provide links for direct download.
Submission Guidelines: Submission guidelines are similar to the ones used for main track ICCV conference submissions. In particular, the submitted manuscript shall be anonymous for double-blind reviewing and contain line numbers for an efficient review process.
We encourage authors to use the same LaTeX/Word templates for both the short reports and the submissions in the workshop paper track, provided below for convenience:
- Example submission paper with detailed instructions.
- LaTeX/Word Templates (tar): iccv2017AuthorKit.tgz.
- LaTeX/Word Templates (zip):