

A user must have an active HarvardKey account to access the Syllabus Explorer. Additionally, access is restricted to Schools within Harvard that have agreed to participate. All those who have access to the Syllabus Explorer have access to all participating Schools’ syllabi.

Currently, all existing members of the FAS, HDS, HKS, GSE, GSD, and SPH communities, including faculty, staff, and students, have access to the Syllabus Explorer. We will add additional Schools over time.

Opt-Out Option

Faculty have the option to prevent their syllabi from being accessible on the Syllabus Explorer at any time by submitting a request via a HarvardKey authenticated Qualtrics survey. The application will be regularly updated to not use data from the inaccessible syllabi for making recommendations about similar courses or for any other purpose

Acceptable Use

Use of syllabi accessed from the Syllabus Explorer is subject to the Acceptable Use Policy, imposing restrictions on redistribution and instructing users to follow appropriate standards of attribution. The Acceptable Use Policy may be modified from time to time.


Information identifying those who opted-out of making their syllabi available will not be publicized on the Syllabus Explorer. The Syllabus Explorer will not be used to generate reports on who has decided to opt-out. Additionally, analytics generated from the application, such as syllabus availability, common search terms, and the number of downloads, will not be used for faculty appointments decisions. Syllabi used for tenure and promotion decisions are obtained through other channels, not through the Syllabus Explorer.

Last updated: August 1, 2019