F A Q s

Here are some of the more common questions students ask me

If you have a question that is not here and the answer is not found on this syllabus, reach out to me.

I'm here to help YOU!

Can I use an earlier edition of the textbook?

It is ideal to use the current edition. You will be at a disadvantage if you use an older edition. That said, it’s acceptable to use an edition one earlier, but be aware that there are changes from edition to edition. I’m sorry the  textbook is very expensive. There are more budget-friendly options: The textbook is available to rent and can be found in an e-format on the internet.

How do I get in touch with you?

The BEST WAY is to direct message me on Pronto.  I will likely get back to you very, very quickly.

You can e-mail me: milleranna@fhda.edu. Please write “BIO 45” in the subject of your email.  (I teach other courses and it's helpful for me know which course you're in)

And one other option: You can message me using the Canvas inbox

Don't forget that I'm available every Friday and Monday from 11 am until 1 pm during my Zoom office hours.  Not free then? I'll be happy to make an appointment to speak with you on another day and/or time.

What happens if I miss an exam?

One exam score is dropped (the lowest of the 5) so that will be the one that is dropped. If something unavoidable prevents you from taking a second exam, contact me before the exam, or in the case of an emergency, as soon as possible after the exam.

Do I have to take Exam 5 if I took Exams 1, 2, 3 & 4?

If you're happy with your scores on the first 3 exams then no, you do not have to take Exam 5 -- that score of 0 will be the score that  gets dropped. 

FYI: Not having to study for Exam 5 can really help you out during that extra busy time of the quarter :-)

Do I have to eat a healthy diet to do well in this class?

No! Your grade in this class is not at all based on how well you eat. You don’t need to change your diet while taking this course.  (But many students do, as a result of things they learn)

I eat a lousy diet -- will that affect my grade on the Diet Assignment? 

No, not at all! Your grade on the diet assignment is based on how well you assessed your diet and followed the assignment instructions. Your score is totally independent of what you ate during those days.

Are there ways I can boost my points in this class?

Yes! You can earn up to 10 Bonus Points for submitting Parts 1 and 2 of the Diet Assignment early, by the deadlines written on the schedule. This is explained elsewhere on this syllabus.

FYI: There are other ways I help you out with points :-)

More questions? ASK ME!