2021- (at UCR)
The UCR AWM chapter and I started working with the SISTERS program at UCR to teach 7th and 8th grade girls fun mathematics.
A mathematical stroll through Paris, May 2022
Bridges of Konigsberg, January 2023
Algorithms, March 2024
2016-2019 (while at UMD)
At the University of Maryland, I participated in Girls Talk Math, a two-week day camp for local high school girls. The campers spend the time on two related projects: working in groups through a packet on advanced material and researching and recording a podcast on a female mathematician.
I was also a volunteer with Reading Partners, reading one-on-one with K-4th grade students at MLK elementary school in Washington, DC.
2013-2016 (while at UIUC)
Sonia Math Day for girls
Sonia Day, helper, To catch a thief in Königsberg, May 2013
Sonia Day, flexagon session leader, Math and Magic, November 2013
Sonia Day, nontransitive dice session leader, Games of Chance, November 2014
Sonia Day, Seifert surfaces session leader, Knots and Braids, April 2015
Sonia Day, Traveling Salesman session leader, Counting and Coloring, November 2015
Girls Engaged in Math and Science
Girls Engaged in Math and Science, Geometry and Nature, Fall 2014
Girls Engaged in Math and Science, Geometry and Art, Spring 2015
Girls Engaged in Math and Science, Surfaces, Fall 2015
Other opportunities
Girls Do Science at Orpheum Children's Museum, bubbles and minimal surfaces, and the platonic solids, Spring 2014
Booker T Washington Elementary School visit, Platonic and Archimedean solids, April 2015
ChiPrep, probability activities with 5th and 6th grade students and their parents. Skype session and campus visit, May-June 2015
Various platonic solids sessions for the IGL
At the University of Illinois, there are many opportunities to teach kids (grades 3-12) about interesting mathematics.
If you're in middle school or high school near Urbana, IL and want to get involved in some cool math or science, check out these links: