Book Club Prompts

Surry Hills Sci-Fi & Fantasy Book Club

  1. What was your favourite part of the book?

  2. What was your least favourite?

  3. Which scene has stuck with you the most?

  4. What did you think of the writing style?

  5. What expectations did you have after seeing the cover? Did they match the book?

  6. What surprised you most about the book?

  7. How did your opinion of the book change as you read it?

  8. If you could ask the author anything, what would it be?

  9. How does the book's title work in relation to the book's contents? If you could give the book a new title, what would it be?

  10. Is this book overrated or underrated?

  11. Did this book remind you of any other books?

  12. How did it impact you? Do you think you'll remember it in a few months or years?

  13. What (if any) questions do you still have about the plot?

  14. Who was your favourite character?

  15. Defend the worst character.

  16. Explain why the hero was secretly the villain.

  17. Which character did you relate to, or empathise with, the most?

  18. If you had to trade places with one character, who would it be?

  19. Was there any striking imagery or setting that you found unforgettable?

  20. What do you think happens to the characters after the book's official ending?

  21. What are your thoughts on the book's structure? Did it serve the story well?

  22. How did the setting impact the story? Would you want to read more books set in that world?

  23. Did the plot proceed in a way that felt natural? Or did you feel manipulated by the storyline?

  24. Did you guess the ending? If so, at what point?

  25. Are there plot points the book didn't address?

  26. What were the three main themes of the book?

  27. If this book were made into a movie: What could go wrong? What could go well? Would you watch it?

  28. What interactions / relationships between characters worked well?

  29. What interactions / relationships between characters were lacking or needed development?

  30. How does this book conform to or defies the genre?

  31. Were there times you disagreed with a character’s actions? What would you have done differently?

  32. What scene would you point out as the pivotal moment in the narrative? How did it make you feel?

  33. What parts of the book contradicted itself or broke its own rules?

  34. Do you think the author ever cheated with hand-wavy explanations or a deus ex machina?

  35. Was there any magic or tech that you found cool and imaginative?

  36. What was your favourite chapter and why?

  37. What scene resonated with you most on a personal level? Why? How did it make you feel?

  38. Which location in the book would you most like to visit and why?

  39. If you had the power to make the author rewrite part of the book, what would you change?

  40. Would you recommend the book to a friend? How would you summarise the story if you were to recommend it?

  41. Will you read the sequel or do you wish there was one?