CV in English


Professor of International Law, Faculty of Law, Kagawa University

  • Faculty of Law, Kagawa University, 2-1 Saiwai-cho Takamatsu, Kagawa, 760-8523, Japan

  • Tel & Fax: +81-87-832-1735

  • E-mail: yamamoto.shinichi


・ Ph.D. in International Public Policy, Osaka University, Japan, 2008

・ M.A. in International Public Policy, Osaka University, Japan, 2005

・ B.A. in Law, Osaka University, Japan, 2003


・ 2005-2008 Doctoral Program at the Osaka School of International Public Policy, Osaka University

・ 2003-2005 Master’s Program at the Osaka School of International Public Policy, Osaka University

2001-2003 Bachelor’s Program at the School of Law, Osaka University

・ 1998-2001 Bachelor’s Program at the Faculty of Economics, Chuo University


・ April 2020 – Current Professor of International Law, Faculty of Law, Kagawa University

・ April 2010 – March 2020 Associate Professor of International Law, Faculty of Law, Kagawa University

・ July 2009 – March 2010 Researcher, The Institute for Peace Science, Hiroshima University

・ April 2009 – March 2010 Part-time Lecturer of International Law, Faculty of Humanities, Mie University

Part-time Lecturer of Law, Nanzan University

・ April 2008 – March 2009 Research Associate, Center for International Security Studies and Policy, Osaka University

・ May 2005 – June 2006 Researcher, International Peace Cooperation Division, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan


  • "Disaster Response Legislation between Local Governments and U.S. Forces in Japan : Memorandum on International Disaster Law Research," Kagawa Law Review, Vol. 41, No. 1-2, September 2021, pp. 31-47, (in Japanese)

  • [Translation] Jan Wouters, "COVID-19 and The Future of European Integration," in Takako Ueta ed., COVID-19 and European, Bunshindo, 2021, pp. 307-314, (in Japanese).

  • “The Features, Significance and Issues of the Legislation for International Peace Cooperation: Preparing the Way for Japan’s International Peace Cooperation Activities,” Defense Law Studies, No. 44, September 2020, pp. 21-38, (in Japanese).

  • Mika Inoue, Chigumi Kawaguchi, Yukako Tanaka (Sakabe), Shinichi Yamamoto eds., The Theory and Practice of International Peace Operations: Challenges in South Sudan, Horitsu Bunka Sha, 2020, (in Japanese).

  • “International Peace Cooperation and the Legislation for Peace and Security: A Comparative Analysis for the Trend of Peace Operation and the Domestic Legal System,” The Journal of International Security, Vol. 47, No. 2, September 2019, pp. 94-113, (in Japanese).

  • “Introduction of Judicial Precedent (11) Case concerning Maritime Delimitation in the Black Sea (Romania v. Ukraine) (ICJ Judgment of 3 February 2009),” The Journal of Island Studies, Vol. 7 No. 1, 2017, pp. 120-129, (in Japanese).

  • “The Trend of International Peace Operations and the Legislation for International Peace Cooperation: based on the discourse toward the Legislation for Peace and Security of Japan,” Defense Law Studies, No. 41, 2017, pp. 21-44, (in Japanese).

  • [Book Review] “Tetsuo Sato, The Security Council of the United Nations and Chapter VII of the UN Charter,” The UN and Multilateralism: New Challenges and Phases (The United Nations Studies, No. 18), Kokusai Shoin, 2017, pp. 243-248, (in Japanese).

  • “A Legal Study of Chapter VII of the UN Charter: considering the Security Council Resolution,” Shinyo Takahiro, Toshiya Hoshino, Hirofumi Tosaki and Noriko Sado eds., Security Theory: toward a Building for Peace and Fairness International Society, Shinzansha, 2015, pp. 105-130, (in Japanese).

  • Shinichi Yamamoto, Chigumi Kawaguchi and Yukako Tanaka (Sakabe), “A New Approach for International Peace Cooperation of Japan: Toward Proactive Commitment of Japan to International Peace,” Policy Recommendations, No. 11, 2013, Research Institute for Peace and Security, (in Japanese).

  • [Book Review] “Ikuyo Hasuo, UN Administration and Accountability,” OSIPP NEWSLETTER, No. 61, Autumn 2012, p. 8, (in Japanese).

  • Shinichi Yamamoto, Chigumi Kawaguchi and Yukako Tanaka (Sakabe) eds., Comprehensive Approach for International Peace Activities: Development of Japanese Collaboration System, Naigai Shuppan, 2012, Chap. 1, 4 (in Japanese).

  • “The Responsibility to Protect and the Legal Protection: Focusing on International Humanitarian Law,” The Journal of International Security, Vol. 40 No. 2, September 2012, pp. 41-57, (in Japanese).

  • [Book Review] “Chiyuki Aoi, Legitimacy and the Use of Armed Force: Stability Missions in the Post-Cold War Era,” The Journal of International Security, Vol. 40 No. 1, June 2012, pp. 81-85, (in Japanese).

  • “An Essay on the Relationship between Global Governance and International Law: Focusing on the System of the United Nations Charter on the Maintenance of International Peace and Security,” Keizaigaku Ronsan, Vol. 51 No. 3-4, pp. 175-196, (in Japanese).

  • Examples of Recent Practices of the UN Security Council According to the Note by the President (S/2006/507), Commissioned Research, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan, FY2008, Research Institute for Peace and Security, January 2009, pp. 59-77, (in English) and pp. 59-75, (in Japanese).

  • [Peer-reviewed Article] “New Trend of the Collective Security System: Development of Multi-national Force Operations,” Challenges to the Institution of the UN Charter (The United Nations Studies, No. 9), Kokusai Shoin, 2008, pp. 75-95, (in Japanese).

  • “Legal Issue to Commitment by International Society in Building the Failed States,” Yuji Uesugi and Chiyuki Aoi eds., Civil-Military Relationship in State Building: The Theory and Practice of Reviving Failed States, Kokusai Shoin, 2008, pp. 115-128 (in Japanese).

  • [Dissertation] “Legal Study of Multi-national Force Operations: Evaluation for ‘Authorization’ by the Security Council and Multi-functionalization,” Doctoral thesis, Osaka University, 2008, (in Japanese).

  • [Peer-reviewed Article] “Analysis of the United Nations Charter Status of ‘Authorization’ by the Security Council: From the Practice of the Multifunctionalizing Multinational Force Operation,” Gaimusho Chosa Geppo, No. 2, 2007, pp. 31-52 (in Japanese).

  • “Legal Issue with Evolving the Civil-Military Cooperation: Case of the Transitional Administration by International Society,” Yuji Uesugi ed., Challenges of Civil-Military Relationship in International Peace Operations, IPSHU Research Report Series No. 38, 2007, pp. 87-103, (in Japanese).

  • [Award of Excellence] “Burden Sharing between Japan and U.S. in International Peace Cooperation Activities,” 2006 Essay Contest for Security, Sponsored by Ministry of Defense and Defense Research Center, 2007, (in Japanese).


・ Japan Association for United Nations Studies, Since 2004

・ Japanese Association of World Law, Since 2005

・ Japanese Society of International Law, Since 2008

・ Japan Association for International Security, Since 2008

・ Japan Association of International Relations, Since 2015

・ Japan Society of Defense Law, Since 2016