UVSOR-III + MAX IV International Workshop:
Frontier of Soft X-ray Spectroscopy for Chemical Processes in Solutions


Last Update: August 31, 2023

The post-deadline poster application continues to September 25, 2023. We are looking forward to receiving your applications.

Registration web site

The registration website is kept open for participants until the deadline for registration.  We are asking all participants to make a registration advance.  Participation in the workshop is free. However, we want to ask for a registration to know the number of participants to organize the workshop better. The registration website is as follows,


When registration is successfully completed, you will get a notification email from ims-sxliquid2023@ims.ac.jp. You can also modify the information through the link in the notification email that you input if something is wrong.

Abstract templates

If you are planning to apply for a poster presentation, or if you are an invited speaker. Please prepare the abstract based on the following abstract template.

Abstract Template (A4 one page) [docx]

Note that the abstract is required to be uploaded as a PDF file.

Accommodation in Mishima Lodge

Accomodation in Mishima Lodge becomes full (16/September). We offer you to book the hotels near the conference center after the registration of 16/September.

We are keeping single rooms in Mishima Lodge (2,600 Yen/Night) for workshop participants. If you are considering staying at the Mishima Lodge, would you tell us on the registration site? We will contact your itinerary until 19/September. When the reservation becomes full, we ask you to book the hotels near the conference center.