UVSOR-III + MAX IV International Workshop:
Frontier of Soft X-ray Spectroscopy for Chemical Processes in Solutions


Last Update: Aug 19, 2023

How to go to UVSOR

UVSOR is located in Okasaki which is a city near Nagoya in Aichi prefectur.  From abroad, most of the flights arrive at the Kansai International Air Port (KIX) near Osaka or the Narita International Airport (NRT) near Tokyo.  Both airports have train lines to bring you to the nearest big city, i.e. Osaka or Tokyo, and then you can take the Shinkansen (Bullet train) to Nagoya. 

To travel from Narita International Airport (NRT) to Okazaki, by train, follow these steps:

Traveling from Kansai International Airport (KIX) to Okazaki by train involves several transfers and may take several hours. Here's a step-by-step guide:

 There are many notifications in the airport terminal, and train staff is helpful in guiding your way, so do not hesitate to ask them when you get lost.  

Please check the access information of UVSOR https://www.ims.ac.jp/en/about/campus/access.html for how to reach Higashi Okazaki to UVSOR.

Oral Presentations

Invited speakers: 25 min (20 min presentation + 5 min discussion)

Hot topic speakers: 15 min (12 min presentation + 3 min discussion)

Poster Presentations (16:00 - 18:00, October 2nd, 2023)

We will prepare the poster panels whose sizes are W 900 mm x H 2100 mm. We kindly invite you to the poster presentation even if your poster is selected as a hot topic presentation. Posters can stay there till the end of the workshop. 

Banquet (18:00 - 20:00, October 3rd, 2023)

The fee for the banquet is 2,000 yen. (Updated at September 29)

Optional Tour (13:00 - 17:00, October 4th, 2023)

We will visit Daijuji Temple and Okazaki Castle, which are famous places related to Tokugawa Ieyasu. The total cost will be 2,000 yen that are the ticket for a city bus and the entrance fees. We will explain detail and ask for your participation during the workshop period.