
In the fall of 2014, a group of SWHS parents and students got together to share concerns, experiences, and resources to support mental health and build healthy social connections within Southwest High School. This group grew in size and scope, and in the fall of 2016, with a generous grant from the Southwest Foundation (SWF), the Wellness Committee conducted surveys to prepare for our first-ever "Wellness Day."

Surveyed students listed "stress management,” "emotional health,” and "physical activity and fitness” as their top three health interests and described wellness as “feeling like you want to live,” “being capable of things without mental or physical problem,” “feeling how you felt in the summer,” “being able to live solo.”

The first-ever Wellness Day was held in association with B.L.A.S.T. Day (Be-Loving-And-Sharing-Together) on December 18, 2015, featuring a day of workshops and activities with the goal of treating mental health with the same resources and respect as any other kind of health. Later, in the spring of 2016, students also organized a Race2Justice Day with similar student-led workshops.

"BREAD DAY" aka "Bread & Jam," weekly mornings featuring Breadsmith snacks and student musical groups was also borne from this movement.

B.L.A.S.T. 2018 was a grand day of service at Southwest, and will continue on it's trajectory to include even more opportunities for more students next year. If you are interested in organizing or helping with B.L.A.S.T. 2019, check out Southwest's "Service" Committee.

Do you have input, resources, or want to participate in a Wellness Project in 2019-20? Let us know!