I am an Associate Professor in the Department of Smart Mobility Engineering of Inha University, Incheon, Korea, heading the Smart Wireless Laboratory@Inha. I am interested in multidisciplinary research aiming at developing new wireless communication and networking technologies for B5G & 6G. Especially, I have focused on V2X Positioning & Communications, Wireless Sensing, ML-Driven Wireless Communications, and Semantic Communications.   

I am currently looking for highly motivated undergraduate & postgraduate students and postdoctoral researchers who are interested in joining my group. 

B5G& 6G 이동통신 및 V2X 기반 측위 통신 시스템 설계에 관심 있는 학부인턴 & 석박사과정 & 박사후 연구원을 모집합니다. 

Please feel free to contact me (swko@inha.ac.kr) for further inquiry.


(2023-11) We are accepted to organize a workshop on the integration of sensing, communication, and Computation in conjunction with IEEE ICASSP 2024.  Please check the website (https://2024.ieeeicassp.org/satellite-workshops/) and let me know if you are interested in it. 

(2023-3) We are accepted to organize a semantic communication workshop in conjunction with IEEE SECON 2023. Please check the workshop website (https://sites.google.com/view/sc6g-secon23) and let me know if you are interested in the workshop.

(2023-01) My three papers have been accepted to be presented in IEEE ICC 2023. Thank you to all collaborators at KMOU and Yonsei Univ. 

(2022-10) With Prof. Seong-Lyun Kim and Prof. Jihong Park, we are preparing a two-day workshop on Semantic Communication for 6G. Please check our website ( http://sites.google.com/view/sc6g) and feel free to contact me if you are interested in the program