2nd Workshop on

Semantic Communication for 6G

Organised in Conjunction with IEEE SECON 2023

Call for Papers

Scope and Topics

Conventional wisdom of “the higher the better, and the more the merrier” in communication engineering is no longer sustainable for the sixth generation (6G) wireless systems, due to hardware limitations and escalating networking expenses. In response, semantic communication (SC) has emerged as a novel communication and networking paradigm, capitalizing AI-driven edge devices to maximize task-effectiveness by understanding and manipulating the semantics of transferred bits. By transmitting only the essential meaning that can be mapped into various realizations across different data types, SC is poised to become a crucial enabler to the low-latency communication of multimodal data for mixed reality applications and integrated sensing and communication in 6G. Furthermore, SC can substantially enhance communication reliability, as meanings remain constant despite noise-induced distortion at the bit level. Despite its potential, SC is still in the early stages of development and faces considerable challenges. Current research primarily centers on point-to-point scenarios, leaving large-scale network and computing issues remained unaddressed. Moreover, existing SC frameworks often depend on deep learning architectures that may not algin with standardization efforts, network structures, and legacy devices. Additionally, the "meanings of meanings" remain poorly defined, resulting in a fragmented understanding of SC.

The primary objective of the 2nd workshop on semantic communication for 6G (SC6G) is to cultivate a unified understanding of SC and investigate its communication, sensing, and networking applications in 6G. To this end, SC6G invites research papers on SC and associated theories, algorithms, and demonstrations. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

Paper Submission and Publication

Papers should neither have been published elsewhere nor be currently under review at another venue. All papers for workshop must be submitted via the SECON'23 conference submission system. Each submission should follow the SECON'23 paper formatting (https://secon2023.ieee-secon.org/call-papers), and must be no longer than 9 pages, including all the figures, references, and appendices. 2-page poster is also accepted. Submissions that violate the formatting guidelines will be rejected without review. The organizers of IEEE SECON 2023 workshop as well as our attendees expect accepted papers to be presented at the conference. IEEE reserves the right to exclude a paper from distribution after the conference (e.g., removal from IEEE Xplore) if the paper is not presented at the conference.

Submit your papers via EDAS at: https://edas.info/newPaper.php?c=30522&track=117824

Important Dates

• Submission deadline: June 1, 2023 June 12, 2023 (extended)

• Notification of acceptance: June 29, 2023

• Camera Ready: July 15, 2023

• Workshop: 11 September, 2023

Invited Speakers

Mehdi Bennis

University of Oulu

Eleonora Grassucci

Sapienza University of



Keynote Session (Room: AULA 0.A.02, Session Chair: Prof. Seong-Lyun Kim)

Coffee Break (30min)

Technical Paper Session (Room: AULA 0.A.02, Session Chair: Prof. Seong-Lyun Kim):

Sejin Seo (Yonsei University), Jihong Park (Deakin University), Seung-Woo Ko (Inha University), Jinho Choi (Deakin University), Mehdi Bennis (University of Oulu), Seong-Lyun Kim (Yonsei University)

Lauri Lovén, Hafiz Faheem Shahid, Le Nguyen, Erkki Harjula, Olli Silvén, Susanna Pirttikangas, Miguel Bordallo López (University of Oulu)

Coffee Break (10min)

Hyelin Nam (Yonsei University), Jihong Park (Deakin University), Jinho Choi (Deakin University), Seong-Lyun Kim (Yonsei University)

Jihong Park (Deakin University), Jinho Choi (Deakin University), Seong-Lyun Kim (Yonsei University), Mehdi Bennis (University of Oulu)


General Chairs:

TPC Chair:


Contact: Jihong Park (jihong.park at deakin.edu.au)

Link to the 1st edition of SC6G in 2022: https://sites.google.com/view/sc6g