Joan at Trails Day 2022

SWITMO Board of Directors Reorganization

Recently the SWITMO Board of Directors met and significant changes have happened. The first order of business was to vote on board membership of Kip Jacob and Daryll Kvistad. Both were accepted as members of the BOD. Next was the election of new officers with the following results: Kip Jacob, President; Claude Smith, Vice President; Pete Pehl, Secretary; Daryll Kvistad, Treasurer; Doug Shepherd, Member-at-large. Duane Melcher retired as the Treasurer and member of the board. A position he has held since the establishment of SWITMO.

Jerry Granahan will continue in his role as the Crew Leader for the Blanchard and Anderson Mount work parties.

New Location for SWITMO tools and equipment coming soon

Since Duane Melcher will be selling his house and property including the barn and work shop, it became necessary for SWITMO to find a new location for tools and equipment. Thanks to the efforts of Doug Shepherd and Claude Smith, SWITMO will be relocated.

SWITMO will be purchasing a 40'x 10' storage container and it will be located on a vacant lot next Rindal Chiropractic Clinic 929 E. College Way, Mount Vernon WA. We intend to have the move completed prior to the start of the Work Party season starting the first weekend in April.

SWITMO move to new location completed!

On Monday March 3, 2023, SWITMO received the storage container that would become the new home for the tools and equipment. Claude Smith, SWITMO vice president, upon seeing the faded red finish on the container dubbed it as "Pinky". 

The following day the first truck load of SWITMO tools arrived at Pinky along with a section of the wooden shelf that has been the traditional repository of SWITMO gear. Over the next two days all of the SWITMO property was placed inside Pinky with the exception of the excavator which will be housed there very soon. 

Claude Smith will be designing a floor plan of to maximize the use of the container space and make it easy to find a particular item. Ideas, suggestions and complaints from SWITMO members will be considered. 

Thanks to Kip Jacob, Doug Shepherd, Claude Smith, Jerry Granahan,  Daryll Kvistad, Chuck Eaton, Duane Melcher and Pete Pehl for making this transition happen.


The location of the new SWITMO site is 929 E. College Way, Mount Vernon WA, behind Ideal Rental and adjacent to Rindal Chiropractic Clinic.

Larry Lazzari