
Center for Tactile Internet with Human-in-the-Loop (CeTI)

Researching on various aspects of Tactile Internet with Human-in-the-Loop. CeTI’s central vision is to enable humans to interact in quasi real-time with cyber-physical systems (CPS) in the real or virtual world over intelligent wide-area communication networks. Such advances go far beyond the current state-of-the-art approaches in computer and engineering sciences: intelligent communication networks and adaptive CPS for quasi real-time co-operations with humans require online mutual learning mechanisms, which are crucial challenges.

To tackle these challenges, CeTI will conduct unique interdisciplinary research and will address major open research topics in key areas of the complexity of human control in the human–machine loop, sensor and actuator technologies, software and hardware designs, and the communication networks as the basis for several novel use cases grouped in medicine, industry, and the Internet of Skills.

Dynamic Agile Production Robots That Learn And Optimize Knowledge And Operations (DARKO)

Agile production crucially depends on the effectiveness of intralogistics processes. Robots as components of these processes have the potential to be a game changer provided they are highly flexible, capable, cost- and energy-efficient, safe and able to operate in work environments shared with humans. However, the current state of the art falls short of providing these capabilities given the requirements for future production systems.

Thus, DARKO sets out to realize a new generation of agile production robots that have energy-efficient elastic actuators to execute highly dynamic motions; are able to operate safely within unknown, changing environments; are easy (cost-efficient) to deploy; have predictive planning capabilities to decide for most efficient actions while limiting associated risks; and are aware of humans and their intentions to interact smoothly and intuitively with them.

To maximize its impact, DARKO is aligned with use cases at the largest manufacturer of home appliances in Europe. It will demonstrate, in relevant scenarios, autonomous capabilities significantly beyond the current state of the art in dynamic manipulation (eg, throwing of goods, picking and placing objects while in motion), perception, mapping, risk management, motion planning and human-robot interaction. Beyond its impact through improved capabilities in these areas, DARKO will provide answers to the questions where and how dynamic manipulation should be integrated as the most efficient solution in intralogistics. Since arm manipulators can, in principle, display super-human performance in terms of accuracy and repeatability, the value of integrating dynamic manipulation, eg throwing,

 The DARKO consortium is uniquely placed to tackle this ambitious and challenging project. It brings together leading academic and corporate researchers, technology providers and end-users, with the required long-standing expertise.

KI CP@TUM: TUM KI Competence Program

The current project focuses on providing AI competencies to all students enrolled at the Technical University of Munich (TUM) through the TUM AI Competence Program. Its objective is to establish Professional Learning Groups (PLGs) to systematize AI-specific study offerings at TUM. Recognizing the importance of involving a diverse spectrum of society in the advancement of AI systems, particularly within the values-oriented context of Europe, this endeavour aims to equip professions and user groups previously excluded or indirectly engaged in technical development with AI competence. Inspired by the educational challenges brought about by the pandemic and the subsequent reliance on digital learning content, this project adopts a highly scalable approach to adapt and develop both new and existing AI modules, tailored explicitly to non-technical study programs while elucidating transposable structures for the configuration of educational offerings. Leveraging the existing expertise in the field of AI at TUM, the project establishes interdisciplinary collaborations between AI experts and educational scientists, forming PLCs to craft novel modules. Furthermore, this initiative aligns with TUM's Plug-In program. It capitalizes on the experiences of instructors involved in the AI certificate, integrating disciplinary or transdisciplinary modules into an extracurricular curriculum that delves deep into essential aspects of unfamiliar disciplines or tackles challenges in interdisciplinary subject areas. Ultimately, the newly developed modules resulting from this project are intended to be institutionalized across TUM and formalized as part of an AI certificate, building upon the insights from the TUM Skills Excellence Program. 

euROBIN- European ROBotics and AI Network

The euROBIN project is a groundbreaking initiative aimed at expanding the capabilities of robots to handle various tasks in unstructured environments by facilitating the transfer of skills and software. The project leverages the expertise of Europe's leading robotics and AI researchers to focus on four main areas: enhancing physical interaction, implementing machine learning, enabling abstract knowledge representation, and ensuring a human-centric design. The project aims to demonstrate its scientific outcomes through applications in three pivotal domains that have the potential for substantial impacts on industry, innovation, and society in Europe. These include robotic manufacturing for a circular economy, personal robots for improved quality of life, and outdoor robots for sustainable communities, with progress measured through collaborative competitions. As a cornerstone of its strategy, euROBIN will establish a sustainable network of excellence to promote exchange and inclusion. The EuroCore repository, a key component of this network, is set to become a central platform for exchanging software, data, and knowledge within the European robotics scene. Ultimately, euROBIN envisions a European robot ecosystem where robots share data and knowledge, harnessing their diversity to collectively learn and execute a wide range of tasks in human environments.