Visual Studio 

To build the Vulkan ICD library, use Visual Studio 2019 to open the project folder and wait for it to run CMake. Open the CMake Targets View in the Solution Explorer and select the vk_swiftshader project to build it.

On Windows, most applications can be made to use SwiftShader's DLLs by placing them in the same folder as the executable. On Linux, the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable or -rpath linker option can be used to direct applications to search for shared libraries in the indicated directory first.

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All changes require a Change-ID tag in the commit message. A commit hook may be used to add this tag automatically, and can be found at: You can execute git clone and manually place the commit hook in SwiftShader/.git/hooks/, or to clone the repository and install the commit hook in one go:

Some tests will automatically be run against the change. Notably, verifies the change has been formatted using clang-format 11.0.1. Most IDEs come with clang-format support, but may require upgrading/downgrading to the clang-format version 11.0.0 release version (notably Chromium's buildtools has a clang-format binary which can be an in-between revision which produces different formatting results).

googletest contains the Google Test project, as a Git submodule. It is used for running unit tests for Chromium, and Reactor unit tests. Run git submodule update --init to obtain/update the code. Any contributions should be made upstream.

[^1]: This is not an official Google product.

[^2]: Vulkan 1.3 conformance: -products#submission_717

[^3]: Trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

[^4]: OpenGL ES 3.1 conformance: -products/opengles#submission_906

Sorry for the delay, but I was quarantined with covid, then occupied with trying to keep everything together here- not to mention static with a hospital, and how I was essentially told a relative was dead when she wasn't. Then it got...weird. I've been rather busy...

A similar-looking game, "Mystery of Mortlake Mansion," gives the same error messages as "Elementals" if SwiftShader is not there, but it does not work- the icon appears on the bottom bar, you can get the frame, but the only other thing is that all icons on the desktop shimmer. That's it.

The other games from this company also need SwiftShader, but there is a problem: images are out of alignment, apparently down and left. Random clicking indicates the games work, but they are "hidden object" games so they are unplayable. These games include "Farmscapes," "Fishdom," "Gardenscapes 1 & 2," and "Gardenscapes Mansion Makeover." The latter three have a dog that reminds me of one I used to have.

Using SwiftShader with the Dell or the mighty ASUS- both of which can properly handle "Gardenscapes" by itself without any help- creates the same problem. If there is an answer with 3D-Analyze I do not know what it is.

As you can see some things are properly placed, but the first one should have many more things in it. It seems as though XML files determine where things will be placed. Altering the numbers (there are hundreds) only affects a few items, like on the title screen. Notice how the title screen when loading looks normal, but when the bar is complete how everything shifts. The house should have images of rooms in the windows, but as you can see...again, down and left.

Funny thing- I downloaded Beetlebug 3 and tried to run it. Failure, not uncommon with that Sony. Dropped in SwiftShader, game worked but was too clumsy to play well due to not-so-good frame rate. Set it to "windowed" mode as usual (default was "fullscreen"), shut it down, then on a hunch tried again without SwiftShader- game works great. It crashes in fullscreen mode clearly, and without SwiftShader there would have been no way to get it running- I could not find a way to manually set it.

It has been a bad week. My mother died from covid. Yesterday I had to make the funeral arrangements, and the medical bills may wipe me out. I'm not really able to concentrate too well, I guess. How could I have left out something that basic?

I am aroused about any X86 motherboard that has full functional ISA slot. I think i have problem. Not really into that original (Turbo) XT,286,386 and CGA/EGA stuff. So just a DOS nut.

PS. If I upload RAR, it is a 16-bit DOS RAR Version 2.50.

Since modern versions of SwiftShader can run on Vulkan API, (and provide useful D3D8 and D3D9 implementations as drop-in dlls-- Just put a ".local" file in the game directory, and put the SwirftShader DLLs into the game's exe folder), D3D8 and D3D9 games can use it straight up.

To get DGVoodoo2 to use it, you would need to pair it with DXVK for windows, so that DXVK can grab SwiftShader's Vulkan implementation, then provide D3D10 and D3D11 interfaces, which DGVoodoo2 needs. (Though, you could probably just use the WARP driver in DGVoodoo2 instead. It is a "Provided by microsoft" software fallback stack for D3D10/11, and should always be available if DirectX10/11 is installed.)

I used to abuse old versions of swiftshader to get "At least some resemblence" of D3D support for an old laptop that had ONLY 2D capable video hardware (NeoMagic MagicGraph). It could "Sorta" do 3D games that way, very slowly.

It used to be buyware with a nag watermark. (I learned that the watermark was just a 24 bit bitmap embedded in the DLL, and was easily hex-edited to be all transparent pixels. Shhhh.. But recent versions are FOSS, as linked above.)

Trying to run games with Windows XP and Tulatin 1400 and a integrated Blade3D(no real 3D capability). Unreal and Quake2 and Half-Life have integrated software renderer and work like a charm. But few later games do not. I hoped to use some universal solution but they all are dirt slow in this setup. So no go. Tested games were GTA3 and CnC Renegade and RTCW. Got dirt low FPS with TitaniumGL.

Actually the Blade3D is a real 3d accelerator and does DX6 and GL and can do about 25fps in Quake 2 GL.

There is no reason to try and use a wrapper with this, as that would actually make it even slower, since your doing an extra layer of processing with the API's, that is not necessary.

Yep realized that it was a pipe dream. Only tried it because i got Quake2/Unreal T/Half-Life software mode with butter smooth 640x480 and even 800x600. And only 320x240 playable and looking like crap in Blade3D accelerated mode.

At least it plays all not accelerated games in 9x/XP era butter smooth. So an RTS and platformer machine mainly. And good DOS compadibility with VIA BIOS enabled legacy audio. Dual boot Windows XP/MS-DOS 7.10 Windows 3.1 in one FAT32 partition.

I came into the thread expecting someone trying to use their Threadripper to run DX9 games in software mode; found someone trying to use a Tualatin 1400 to run DX7 stuff in software more. I mean, you do realize why GPUs existed in circa 2000 right? That's because the contemporary CPUs could not handle 3D graphics in the first place. A Tualatin 1400 can barely run Build games in hi-res VESA modes, so there's that.

I agree though, you would need at LEAST two cores to even ATTEMPT this with a classic era computer. One core JUST for using swiftshader (using manual affinities), and the other for "Everything else". Unless this was a dual tualatin build (IIRC, there WERE some motherboards for that) this is pretty much out of the question.

By the way. I am a total idiot. I forgot that those integrated XP video drivers only had Direct3D but not OpenGL. So a fresh install on VIA Blade XP drivers from vogonsdrivers really solved all those problems.

I am seeing an issue where html5 console for ilo4 and ilo5 causes the client cpu to shoot to 100% and cause the webpage to hang. Issue is present in Edge 93 stable and newer and not present in Edge 92 and older.

I am seeing the issue within a Server 2019 vm but have also tried Win10 20H1 vm and it is also present there. Interestingly it is not present on my laptop with latest Edge. So I am thinking this may be related to GPU hardware acceleration.

There is a bug here that seems very similar to this case but was closed as won't fix. There may have been some update to the webgl detection logic. So will proabably need an iLO update from HPE to fix.

I tracked this down to a recent change in Chromium that changes the default renderer from legacy SwiftShader GL to SwANGLE. A workaround until HPE can provide an update is to use the flag --use-gl=swiftshader-webgl

This release includes bug fixes we've done since the last version. One of the important improvements is that the swiftshader library is shipped on both Linux and Windows. SwiftShader is a software 3D renderer used in Chrome that lets you use CSS 3D and WebGL even on hardware with incapable GPUs. So you can provide advanced 3D graphics independent from hardware of your users.

Last week we announced NW.js 0.25 with Chromium 61 upgrade. Chromium 61 features JavaScript modules support, Payment Request API and WebUSB. See the upstream announcement for more information. The stable upgrade contains many security fixes as well. 152ee80cbc

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