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Katherine is one of my closest friends and a zoo keeper at Zoo Atlanta. We interned together there in the Program Animals Department and learned so much from each other. She graciously agreed to let me interview her for those who are interested in becoming a zoo keeper and are not really sure where to begin. I hope you enjoy it and please let me know if you have any questions at all.

K: Wildlife Ecology and Management. So in school we actually focused a lot on management of land and game species, but then I would take electives like conservation biology and taxon specific classes like ornithology, herpetology, ethology.

K: I volunteered at the South Eastern Raptor Center, so I worked in the rehabilitation section for a while and got a lot of hands-on opportunities for cleaning and taking care of and feeding all the injured raptors there. And I actually did some work with the education part too where I was training and flying raptors and eagles .

K: With zoo keeping you have to be prepared to do a ton of unpaid internships, so when I got out of college I was actually lucky enough to find an internship with housing and a stipend. Granted, the stipend was only $50 per week, but it was an internship working with big cats and it was basically unpaid. Then you kind of have to be ready to be doing other unpaid internships and part-time jobs. After that is when I started doing the internship at Zoo Atlanta (with you!) and was also working part time at a plant nursery. Luckily I got to live at home too, so that helped with the cost.

S: Some people might not know how competitive it is to actually be a zoo keeper, and also people that do know might be discouraged because of how competitive it is. Is there any advice you can offer, or things you wish you would have known before starting?

S: Haha I can see that. Have you thought about that at all for the future? Because that might turn people off from being a zookeeper. I know it turns people off from zoo med; did you think about that when starting?

K: No, I can honestly say because this is my passion I never really thought about that. And I also think about the fact too that I will probably marry someone in the same field as me. As bad as that is because we will both be dirt poor haha, but maybe I will get lucky and find someone who is understanding of my schedule and makes money haha.

K: Yes, actually I got an offer from Kansas City, which I turned down. Then I was in the middle of interviewing with the Tracy Aviary and was about to fly out to interview in person after doing a phone and a skype interview, and then I got the job offer from Zoo Atlanta.

K: Well actually I am in Birds. I run the propagation center, which is a routine in itself and in a separate building. Then I take care of blue cranes, cockatoos, and another lower zoo exhibit area with other birds in it, and also wreathed horn bills. Mostly in the morning the work is cleaning and feeding and right now that includes a baby milky owl. I get to feed him and he is super, super cute. We make a lot of time for enrichment. Enrichment is a huge thing, making sure that the priority species (the more intelligent species, like toucans) get enrichment (toys, puzzles, etc.) every day. And projects like perching, training, and personal projects for our own goals. So right now, I have a goal to try to get the hornbills shifting from one side of his enclosure to the other on command. So I am going to have to rearrange how the exhibit is set up and start with a training plan to get him to shift voluntarily. I actually also got a grant recently to do an online Ornithology course through Cornell Lab. So I am super excited about that!

S: Segueing into the veterinary stuff, how do you think veterinarians play a role in zoos and conservation? And is there anything that you think vets could do better? Or that zoos could do better with the relationship between veterinarians and zoo keepers?

One redneck youth told me that Trump had stopped all mass shootings permanently by banning bump stocks, people with Gadsden flag plates suddenly advocated for red flag laws and even confiscating all weapons from veterans on grounds of PTSD only to stay in step with Trump.

All chaos and death was blamed again on the shadowy NWO, obviously out in the world sowing societal havoc with gremlin glee to create that ever-precious power vacuum. This frustrated me to no end, as someone who had followed news about the virus closely from the start. Conspiracy theory outlets that had milked the early downplaying of the outbreaks by health organizations, presenting themselves as champions of truth when governments claimed that all was well, turned to alleging that the entire pandemic had been a hoax or a cover for attacks by secret microwave weapons.

Oath Keepers would perform a similar 180. Stewart, scrambling to recover from an open letter to Trump asking for harsher COVID measures, would appear in a maskless photo op with a gym owner who refused to comply with lockdown orders in an attempt to salvage support from his base.

However, going full MAGA and setting itself against the shadowy leftist threat would prove to be the path of least resistance. Many militias would make this choice, aligning unquestioningly with MAGA to stay relevant and keep the numbers up despite going against their stated antiauthoritarianism and distrust of government.

The death of EMT Breonna Taylor, shot in bed during a no-knock raid on her home, had clear parallels to the 2011 shooting death of marine veteran Jose Guerena who had similarly been killed in a SWAT raid when he was given no time to recognize the intruders in his home as police and lay down his rifle. Oath Keepers had protested his death, staying the course even when every single police officer on the Oath Keepers board of directors resigned in protest to our protest and left half the national leadership seats vacant. Our media guy assembled a touching memorial video that was instrumental in early awareness of Oath Keepers when it hit the internet, sending a loud and clear message that Oath Keepers would stand up for veterans even if it meant criticizing the police. I saw no reason why the killing of a first responder should be different from the killing of a marine vet, especially when both had been drug busts that targeted not the shooting victim, but an associate under investigation. For Guerena a family member, for Breonna a boyfriend.

In my view, Oath Keepers and many allied militias had more history of sympathy with BLM than of being antagonistic, or at least of general ideological alignment. Oath Keepers had taken great pains to boycott events that also hosted speakers from racist groups, maintained careful separation from alt-right and Identity Europa contingents at the Berkeley protests, and once kicked Randy Weaver out of an Oath Keepers parade after he refused to renounce white separatism. I saw the militia movement I had lived in as a force loyal to the idea of America, not an ethnic majority.

I had marched in several protests he organized in my childhood, the gun rights marches drew armed crowds and police monitoring. His talks establishing a link between gun rights and racial justice drew a handful of attendants.

According to the dogma of the constitutionalist side of the militia movement, white supremacists were supposed to be the enemy. Racist groups were perhaps a lower priority to some than communists, out of a belief that radical leftists had influence in government that the Klan lacked (a hilarious irony in hindsight), but domestic enemies of the constitution nonetheless.

Debatable as that is, the Teamsters Union went to bat for Cliven Bundy after all, the obvious correct response would have been to act the bigger man and march out anyway. Especially after Bundy Ranch, a lot of police violence would have been cooled by a line of backwoods paramilitary Bubbas, all with wild beards and American flag bandanas, standing between the police and protesters and simply refusing to move.

Except the ones that went to counter-protests. They turned up all right, to try to provoke queer teens into fights while strutting around in their plate carriers and tactical vests, and to unexpectedly run into the eldest son of their generalissimo on the wrong side of the crowd. They turned up waving Trump flags and the star spangled banner, as if a protest against the unlawful killing of black people was inherently a protest against Trump and America itself. I thought about that image, the defensive reflex of the militia right to any attack on racism, for a long time.

Annoyance turned to icy fear real fast when the loyalty purge started in the Pentagon.I again found myself flooded with anxiety and glued to election coverage, my security blanket of no longer believing in civil war and collapse gone. I saw the machinery of a coup clicking into place, the legal justifications and attempts to lever control over the military, the Blackwater pardons bringing Betsy DeVos to my attention for the first time amid consistent online rumors that mercenaries were being hired by Trump to secure essential infrastructure amid some domestic conflict. 152ee80cbc

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