News Articles

Have you got a story to tell?

There is a lot of very good news out there in our communities. Making these news stories available so that others can begin to share in the positive things that are happening is really good for community. This isn't because we said so, actually there has been a study by online news magazine 'Positive News' to that effect.

If you ever caught yourself saying... I wonder if we could get this in the local Newspaper... Hold that thought ... and then send it to us (as well as the newspaper) .... use the Contact Us form and we'll get back to you... or drop us the details at

Actually if you want to become a community reporter you can learn how to add the content directly yourself. That would be great news.


Stories about your project, examples of what you do and how it has benefited others


People who are doing great things. Particular things which have gone well


Success stories... competitions, awards, milestones achieved