Business Development Network

Our local Business Development Network (SWHertsBDN) is part of a national initiative "Link4Business" which provides access to a complete business support community.

Become part of the family of local businesses. We can 'all be successful' when we act as a collaborative team.

We can all win if we work together!

How can we transform the local business economy so it works for the local independent?

  • What could we achieve if we worked together. Pooled our minds and resources, stopped making the same mistakes over and over
  • Let's innovate and create new ideas... sorry, doing the same old same old won't cut it
  • Build what we do through supporting our communities. For most of us our customers are people who aren't in business. If we serve and help our communities we will connect with more local people (they may just become customers?)
  • If we were to use modern technology more effectively? Firstly it would help our own businesses, secondly it would enable the local community to find us more easily and then use us ... we're mostly invisible!


In our Business Development Network (BDN) we practice using 21st century life skills to develop our resilience and resourcefulness... [... more on 21st century life skills here]

How does the local Business Development Network (BDN) help with some of the issues raised earlier?

Focus on developing the person and the business will grow by default.

  1. The BDN is here to help you. It is here to provide an environment to support and nurture you so your business has the best chance of success. There are a range of services to achieve this including; marketing support (getting your message out there), networking (innovation) events, training & education, mentoring, even a local BusinessTV channel for you to tap into.
  2. Our BDN events (as part of Link4Business) are hosted by qualified community coaches, and usually an Innovation Coach will be there too. This ensures that you are free from the pressure to meet the needs or expectations of others. There are no obligations placed upon you
  3. We actively encourage 'out of the box' free thinkers. We provide a space for people to innovate and create together. Come discuss your ideas. There is nothing quite like group innovation!
  4. People in the local Business Development Network actively share knowledge, expertise and connections. Get some top technology tips, names, and contact details of people who might be able to help you, and signposting to other useful local resources.
  5. Find out how you can access high quality training and Learning Sessions (pay according to the value you received) and plug those skills gaps.
  6. Get yourself introduced to local mentors and / or peer-support groups to really move things forward for you.
  7. The Business Development Network is owned by us (through subscription to Link4Business). It is part of an organisation called Link4Growth. The organisation is a 'not for profit' and Owned by it's members. NOT owned by a Business (for profit) nor the Government (for control)... it's ours, it can't be taken away from us, it's here to stay!

The Business Development Network is not for everyone... but it is if you want to move forward!

For many, especially new businesses who just want to meet people, or, where the business is already established, traditional Business Networking events might be just the ticket. Although this happens at our BDN events too... this is only the tip of the iceberg, there is so much more! The good news is that there is plenty of the traditional business networking in SW Herts for you to go too if that is all you need.

The Business Development Network is a more holistic environment that puts people first. It has been created so you can easily pick up new skills, access a trusted network of supportive local people and quickly access the resources you need. Then... you can take action, and face your goals head on.

Many people start off making connections at traditional networking but then join the Business Development Network to meet their needs in personal growth, business growth, personal network growth and help their local community grow.

What services are available through the Business Development Network?