
What would it be like to have 5 other business owners helping you with yours?

Can you imagine that rather than just you coming up with all the answers, ideas and suggestions, you had a group of other business owners working on your challenges with you. So that is you... plus 5 other people running their own businesses with all your collective experience and connections working together as a group helping each other.

Why would 5 other business owners help you with yours?

Because you commit to also help them with theirs...

Why would your opinion or view be of any use to anyone else?

We often see things others don't when we are looking from outside the business and from a different perspective... you will be surprised (everyone always is) at how valuable just snippets from your life experiences can be for others.

Surely they would have thought of everything by now?

Looking in from the outside we are not trapped or conditioned by all the accumulated negatives often built up whilst operating a business. People from the outside, look for solutions unfettered by reasons or excuses as to why things can't be done.

Why do Peer mentoring groups work?

When we look at other people's challenges we become very innovative. We look for answers and solutions because we are excited about solving the problem and coming up with a good idea. That's why puzzles are so addictive to us. These sessions are like trying to solve a puzzle with a known set of limiting factors and conditions. Hard work... participants do go away tired... but equally, enthused and excited too!

Peer to Peer mentoring isn't new

Peer to Peer mentoring has been around for a while now. People have often been through different roles and careers in their lives so even with just 6 business owners you'd be flabbergasted at the range and depth of experience which is in the room. With that combined experience and the different skills, from a whole basket of different industries and backgrounds, people often see things that we, being so close, cannot. It's invaluable and very insightful.

How much does something like this cost?

You'd be forgiven for thinking this type of service would be a couple of hundred pounds per month... in fact there are groups you can join which cost just that! ... To our mind though what's the point of having a service that only a few businesses that are already doing well can afford to take advantage of? It's the one's who are struggling that need the support most.

As part and parcel of your £12 Link4Business membership you can participate "at no extra cost" in what we call OMG's ... that is Online / Offline Mentoring Groups (OMG's).

Getting more information

To read up more on how these OMG's operate then visit the OMG website here. If you'd like to know more then just go over to the SWHerts Help Enquiry form (on this mini website)... you can email: or contact us through twitter : @L4GSWHerts

You can also find out about Facilitating an OMG group if something like this appeals to you.