
Link4Help (Working Lunch)

Sometimes we just need to be shown something. Look... learning new things is a bit scary and someone holding our hand through those early stages is often all that we need; hence these informal "get togethers".

The Link4Help events are here to give you that bit of hand-holding and encouragement to 'give it a go'... to see that you can't break anything, be brave, and view the whole experience with the 'joy and excitement of a 5 year old'.

So what if you mess up a few times? The raw truth is you will... and that's fabulous!! ... and you will learn... you are beginning to be resilient... and you'll get to the other side wondering what on earth you were worried about. You will have moved on... you'll be absolutely buoyant with the fact you did it... and you'll be even more energised to take on more challenges!

Who can come along?

These events are FREE to attend, and totally inclusive. You don't even have to be in business. If you just want to tap into a growing community of people all helping each other then come along.

When? Where? ... What?

We've included all the events below for your convenience... You can book easily through our eventbrite page... or via our facebook events... or just come along... best to contact us first just in case there are last minute change of plans... you can do that through the SWHerts Help Enquiry form (on this mini website)... you can email: southwesthertsDL@link4growth.biz or contact us through twitter : @L4GSWHerts

Legend for the calendar below

Those events with no indicator are the regular community events open to all and totally inclusive

** Community Coffee with Intent - Innovating and creating community solutions. Open to all

@ Link4Business - Trusted businesses innovating and creating together (also BIG is played)

# This denotes an online event

£ This denotes a FREE help event