Community / Social

This category is reserved for all those blogs regularly updated relating to great work that is being done out there in our communities. If you know of anyone that is documenting and writing about great local project please do put them in touch with us [... contact form here]

Audrey Mitchell - Writes about her charity Herts Prems (babies born prematurely)

Nici Hancock - Writes about her 'from the grass roots up' experiences on the allotment

Robert Davis - The random ramblings of an ageing Karate instructor

Sara Jane Trebar - Blog started to narrate the Farm Terrace allotment, now Sara Jane talks about what is next for her, the family and community

Chris Ogle - Reports, Articles, Features about local news stories (blog) as part of a comprehensive South West Herts information resource we can all contribute too

Ruth Lee - Includes a number of related projects including English / Maths tuition, Little Larder and lots more besides.