

Ratios (Fractions, Decimals, and Percentages)

  • Represent relationships between quantities using ratios and using appropriate notation (fraction: to,)

  • Represent and determine equivalencies among fractions, mixed numbers, decimals, and percentages

Advanced Math

Proportional Reasoning and Linear Relationships

At the end of this unit, students should be able to:

  • Create and use a ratio table to determine missing values.

  • Write and solve a proportion that represents a proportional relationship between two quantities to find a missing value.

  • Apply proportional reasoning to convert units of measurement within and between the U.S. Customary System and the metric system when given the conversion factor.

  • Apply proportional reasoning to solve practical problems, including scale drawings

  • In a practical situation such as tips, tax, and discounts. • Solve problems involving tips, tax, and discounts


Fiction Stories

  • Readers evaluate character development against their own experiences to create new understandings about life lessons.

  • Readers recognize and compare multiple points of view and cite evidence to substantiate them through discussion or writing.

  • Readers analyze the choices the writer/illustrator makes to construct power, position, and perspectives.

  • Book Clubs



  • Writers analyze the significant moments in their lives for larger lessons and ideas.

  • Writers revise their piece using literary techniques to elaborate on the message.

  • Memoir writers use a combination of narrative and expository writing techniques to develop their messages.

  • Writers seek out others within their writing community who can provide support on specific aspects of their pieces or process.

Social Studies


  • Where people live affect how they live.

  • Geographical features may impact daily life for people around the world (food, clothing, shelter).

The Big Ideas: Native Americans

  • American Indians have lived in North America for many years, prior to European colonization and continue to live in the United States today. They have a rich culture and history.

  • Artifacts help us learn about the people of the past, including Cactus Hill in Virginia.

  • In the Americas, there is vast cultural diversity among more than 2,000 tribal groups.

  • Tribes have unique cultures and ways of life that span history from time immemorial to the present day.


  • People explore, move, and migrate for social, political, and economic reasons.

  • Moving to new places can change the people, land, and culture of the new place.



  • astronomy vocabulary

  • the causes of day and night

  • the cause of the seasons

  • the cause of the moon phases

  • the cause of the tides

  • the effect of gravity in our solar system

  • scaled size and distance of the planets