Ultra-short-pulse laser

9. S Bag, and MR Amin: Investigation on Ultrashort Pulse Laser Welding of Dissimilar Metallic Materials Expending Phase-Lag Influence, Journal of Thermal Science and Engineering Applications 12 (5), 051014, 2020.

8. S Bag, and MR Amin: Thermal Stress Associated With Non-Fourier Heat Conduction in Femtosecond Laser Heating of Multilayer Metallic Films, ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, 2018.

7. S. Bag: Microscale heat transfer in fusion welding of glass by ultra-short pulse laser using dual phase lag effects, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 346 (1), 012051, 2018.

6. S. Bag and M. R. Amin: Simulation based study on ultra-short pulse laser welding of dissimilar materials expending phase lag influence, communicated.

5. S. Bag and M. R. Amin: Thermal stress associated with non-Fourier heat conduction in femtosecond laser heating of multilayer metallic films, IMECE 18, November 9-15, 2018, Pittsburgh, PA, USA.

4. S. Bag: Microscale heat transfer in fusion welding of glass by ultra-short pulse laser using dual phase lag effects, International Conference on Recent Advances in Materials & Manufacturing Technologies (IMMT 2017), 28th - 29th November, 2017, Dubai. (IOP Conference Series)

3. M. Baruah, S. Bag and S Kumar: Probing phase lag effect in ultra-short pulse laser heating of nano-film, Manufacturing Letters, 13, 6 - 10, 2017.

2. S. Kumar, S. Bag and M. Baruah: Finite element model for femtosecond laser pulse heating using dual phase lag effect, Journal of Laser Applications, 28(3), 032008:1 - 14, 2016.

1. S. Bag and P K. Sahu: Influence of pulse shaping in thermal analysis of ultra-shot pulse laser welding using non-Fourier heat conduction, 22nd National and 11th International ISHMT-ASME Heat and Mass Conference, 28th – 31st December, 2013, IIT Kharagpur, India.