I am an algorithm development engineer at STMicroelectronics. I am also the treasurer for IEEE SFBA MEMS and Sensors Chapter, IEEE Santa Clara Valley Section for the year 2024.

I got my Ph.D. and M.S. in Electrical and Computer Engineering from UCLA (advised by Professor Mani B. Srivastava), and B.Sc. in Electrical and Electronic Engineering from the University of Dhaka.

[Resume] [LinkedIn] [GitHub] [Google Scholar] [YouTube][Email]

I create deployable, physics-aware, uncertainty-injected, learning-enabled, and resource-constrained embedded systems. My research interests include tiny machine learning (TinyML), inertial sensing, applied machine learning, embedded system design, wearable/ubiquitous computing, small satellites, and human-computer interaction

When I am not working, you will find me making music, jamming with my band, cooking, eating out, sightseeing, and speeding down the California freeways.

Latest Updates


Algorithm Development Engineer (June 2023 - present; Santa Clara, CA, USA)

Sensor Software Solutions Intern (June 2022 - Sept 2022; Santa Clara, CA, USA)

Graduate Student Researcher (Jul 2020 - Jun 2023; Los Angeles, CA, USA)

Physics Laboratory and Robotics Instructor (Feb 2019 - Aug 2019; Dhaka, Bangladesh)

Established the first robotics laboratory and robotics course in the school. [course materials][job certificate]

Embedded Engineer - Intern (Dec 2018 - Jun 2019; Mumbai, India)

Implemented embedded exercise activity and sleep monitoring frameworks using inertial sensors. [publication][poster][job certificate]

Operator and Research Assistant (Jul 2018 - Dec 2018; Dhaka, Bangladesh)

Research Summary

I explore how rich, robust, and complex inferences can be made from sensors onboard low-end IoT devices within tight resource budgets in a platform-aware fashion. I create deployable, physics-aware, uncertainty-injected, learning-enabled, and resource-constrained embedded systems.

From a sensing perspective, most of my work concerns inertial sensors and their use in challenging applications.

Educational History

Ph.D. in Electrical and Computer Engineering (Sept 2019 - June 2023; Los Angeles, CA, USA)

GPA: 3.89/4.00. Major: Signals and Systems. Minor: Circuits and Embedded Systems. [diploma][transcript]

Thesis: Physics-Aware Tiny Machine Learning [link]

M.S. in Electrical and Computer Engineering (Sept 2019 - June 2021; Los Angeles, CA, USA)

GPA: 4.00/4.00. Major: Signals and Systems. Minor: Circuits and Embedded Systems. [diploma][transcript]

Thesis: Robust and Efficient Neural Inertial Localization and Complex Activity Recognition. [link]

B.Sc. in Electrical and Electronic Engineering (Jan 2015 - Jan 2019; Dhaka, Bangladesh)

GPA: 3.94/4.00 (1st position). Major: Computer Engineering. Minor: Communication Engineering [diploma][transcript]


Advanced Training in Small Satellite Engineering (2017, 2018, 2019; Shanghai, Ankara and Beijing (China and Turkey)) 


International Advanced Level (Jul 2012 - Oct 2014; Dhaka, Bangladesh

4 A* [diploma]

International General Certificate of Secondary Education (Jan 2001 - Jun 2012; Dhaka, Bangladesh

7 A*, 1 B [diploma]
