My artworks and where to find them

I've been painting since the age of 2 and what started with some very nice scribbles on the wall has now developed into tiny windows on paper to escape the harsh reality of life as we know it. I usually paint from imagination and it's mostly scenes from places I've travelled to and remember a certain way but i do find architecture and monochromes quite fascinating. So clearly there's a lot of exploring I've done on paper and here's me including you in that journey. So, if you're on a break and just want to stare at something other than data or spreadsheets or an intimidating empty word doc, feel free to go an explore the art page of a fellow academic/amateur art enthusiast. 

Sci-Memes: Bridging Humor and Science



Definitely my favorite sci-fi adaptation so far this year as it brilliantly captures the concept of THE 3-Body Problem and weaves the story with believable, understandable science without calling you dumb. Really hoping this gets a second season cause it so deserves it!